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After much debate, I have come to the decision that I will post these two prologues of different stories you may get in the future. 

One post: NWH. Let's just ignore canon though. Because cannon is horrible and deserves to be taken down. Italics are taken directly from NWH 

"What if everyone forgot who I was?" Peter asked Dr. Strange.

"What!?" Dr. Strange exclaimed. He knew Peter would do anything to keep those he loved safe, even if it meant dying. In a way, Peter would be dying if he did this those who loved him wouldn't remember him. Unless... that might work.

"They're coming here because of me, right? Because I'm Peter Parker? So cast a new spell, but this time make everyone forget who Peter Parker is. Make everyone forget... me," Peter explained.


"But it would work, right?"

"Yeah, it would work. But you gotta understand that would mean that everyone who knows and loves you, we," Dr. Strange's voice caught at the next thought. Even though he had an idea that wouldn't leave Peter completely alone, but it would be hard for him to be found, "We'd have no memory of you. It would be as though you never existed."

"I know," Peter said resolved to the lonely fate he would now lead, "Do it."

Dr. Strange reluctantly nodded, "You better go and say your goodbyes. You don't have long." Dr. Strange was actually sending Peter away so that he could change the spell to leave the two people with the closest bond to Peter out of the spell.

Tony Stark hadn't died when using the infinity stones, thankfully he had only been burned on his right side and had to have his arm amputated. He now had a metal arm and was in a coma. The man unbeknownst to Peter had woken up five minutes ago wondering what was happening in the outside world. Dr. Strange saw this he knew both Tony Stark and Morgan Stark had the closest bond to Peter after May who was now dead.

Dr. Strange left these two out of the spell because of the familial bond between the three. Peter was a son to Tony and a brother to Morgan.

Tony Stark woke up to the early morning light streaming through the window. He knew he needed to tell his kid in all but legality he was now awake. He needed to tell Peter Parker he was alive.

"Pep, I think we should invite Peter over for dinner to tell him that I'm actually alive," Tony told his wife during breakfast that morning.

"Yes, please Mommy can we invite Peter please?" Morgan asked giving her best puppy eyes to her mother.

"Who's Peter, Tony?" Pepper asked in response to Morgan's plea and Tony's statement.

"Ya know brown hair and eyes. About yea tall looks and acts like a puppy. Spider-Man," Tony said

"My brother," Morgan replied to her mother.

"You don't have a brother Morgs," Pepper told Morgan.

"Yes, I do, and he is the best big brother in the world. You've met him."

'I think I would remember you having a brother Morgs."

"Well, he isn't my bio-lo-gi-cal big brother, but he is my brother."

It was true Peter was there for Morgan while Tony was healing and somehow Pepper didn't remember him, yet Morgan did. Two hours later Tony was looking on the internet for anything about Spider-Man. He found something about a 'hero' called Mysterio who had framed Spider-Man for his death. The internet mentions a video being released after his death where he blames Spider-Man. Something had changed though there was information missing from the article. Important information.

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