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Yas point

I got into the Kayaks with Ben and Bumby. Kenji and Brooklyn went in one well Daruis and Sammy went in the other. The cave was so beautiful then I saw something move in the water. Guy there is something in the water with us. Then out of the water came bioluminescent Parasaurolophus. They look so beautiful, I said to Ben. Ben then said I know of something more Beautiful. What I said. Ben went silent. I looked at Ben I have this feeling that I can't explained when I am with him. Sammy then said how are we moving if nobody is paddling? We went out of the tunnel when Kenji gasped. Kenji said I got good news and bad news. The good news is we made it to the park. The bad news is we are in the middle of the Mosasaurus lagoon. We paddle when I distracted it on its feeding stand. I grabbed the cable and Ben tried to catch me, but I fell on top of Ben. Ben then said the Monorail is coming soon and we start heading to the station. Ben came to me and said you, ok? I then said I can walk but it hurts. Ben offered to help me, but I declined when Toro was seen with a barrel playing with it. Ben gave us the go ahead he was leading the group with Darius near me when the door to the monorail opened. A speaker said welcome to Jurassic world lagoon Toro turns and changed up the stairs almost biting me. Ben ran back to me and picked me up bridle style and ran up the stairs. Toro following a few seconds behind we got in the monorail. The steps crumbled under Toros weight. Ben said you can let go I then blushed a bit and let go He did look cute. I then said thank you for saving me. Ben blushed a bit I gave him a hug. He took off the FannyPack and said it was getting tight around his waist. when an explosion was heard. After that Darius told us we need to break the lights. Pteranodons saw us as a target and were trying to break into the monorail. Kenji said we will hit the other train if we don't switch the tracks. I ran to the door and saw that it was jammed shut. Daruis then said I'm the only one who can fit through the room hatch Ben then went through the roof hatch. I then saw as the train got closer and closer. When we switch tracks, Ben came and open the door and walked towards me. I was going to him when time went slow as he pushed me to the ground. A Pteranodon smashes through the glass and grabs Ben and then drops him off the monorail. I grabbed his hand. Look up he was slipping, and the others ran toward to help from the other train car. The door closed separating us from them as they were trying to break down the door. I tried my best but as he slipping out of my hand and he then started to slip. I then felt a tear from my eyes He then said Yas it will be ok go home don't stop. Tell my family goodbye. he was slipping more. I then said Ben I will save you he then said Yas be strong and take care of Bumby I will be watching over you guys from Heaven. he then fell and said this is not your fault and I L. The other campers came in after breaking down the door. He saved me I said quietly the other camper looked in shook. When Daruis then said we're heading away from the dock. I then said we will have to jump I then grabbed Ben's fanny pack and Bumby. Daruis then said 1 2 3 jumps. We hit the ground Daruis then said Kenji the underground tunnels I then realized Bumby was gone I was yelling for her she was gone. I cried knowing I failed Ben. I need to go to the docks to get help for Ben. I got up and said we need to get moving. I fell down jumping off the monorail most have injured my leg. The others helped me into the maintenance tunnels, and I followed and saw a shook prod. I grab and use it as a walking stick to help me walk. I turned because I felt like I was feeling like I was being followed. I then saw compys running then I saw the shadow of Toro. I then whispered we have company we ran and turned the corner and saw a vent open Darius got in and we followed Sammy and closed it behind her. I then saw the other side vent cover was blocking our way, so I hit with the prod then the sound echo.

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