New Predator

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Ben point

The wind was pushing so hard against me and Daruis a branch came and fell from a tree and was falling toward me and Daruis

I felt something pushing on my shoulder. I stood up to see I was in a hole. I looked around to see Darius. I then saw a monolophosaurus. The dino was getting up and I threw at it the closest thing to me. Splat I looked in horror as I realized what I threw an egg. Daruis was getting up and grabbing a camera. I then said we need to leave this is a big predator's nest. Daruis then said ok I then said grabbing a stick go. I will be right behind you Daruis nodded. We ran out of the nest to hear a clicking sound. The monolophosaurus roared in pain. I did not turn around, I kept running making sure Daruis was ahead of me. I then saw him stop at a ledge I then saw a long vine I tied it to a tree and said Daruis go. I will be right Behind you, he nodded. Daruis was down the cliff when I started to go down. I then heard a snap. I look up to see the vine breaking. I look to see a tree. I then jump and hit the tree branch in pain. I look around to see the camp family running towards me and Darus. I then said we need to get out of here before it finds us. Kenji said there was a loud clicking sound. We all held our breaths. I then said let's head to camp Yasmina then came over to me and said thank goodness you are ok I smiled. Daruis then said to the group that he and I discovered new dino behavior. I then said it bright us to its nest to feed us to its young. How can that be good? Daruis then looked at me and said that was not what I was talking about. He showed me the camera. He then said there were umbrellas, hats and all kinds of stuff. I then said we are also running low on food again. Daruis then said Brooklyn it's got power. There was also a video on it Brooklyn played it. The video showed Ella standing on the catwalk with a man. Ella then said that my dad. Then he said I have to go to the bathroom Jerry will keep an eye on you ok Ella. Ella smiled Then Ella was helping the man who was holding the camera. I assumed it was Jerry throwing meat into the raptor pen. Delta, Echo and Charlie ran to it and started to eat. Blue was seen in the distance kicking a rock past the other three raptors. The trio ran after the rock Blue then went to the meat finishing it. Jerry then told Ella that Blue is a smart one Ella then said That Owen favorite. Then Jerry turned the camera toward a man coming up the catwalk. Ella then said hi Mr. Brimford. The man walked toward Jerry and say give this to Owen it's very important. Jerry then said sure buddy Brimford left then Ellas Dad came back and told Ella to go to his Office. Jerry then said to Mr. Sander, is it true that Brimford stole all that food supplies? Ellas Dad then said He was the last person with the shipment but we never found the food. Jerry then threw the paper in the raptor pen the video end. Yasmina then said do you think that note could be a hint where he hid the food? I then said I don't know it could be a rumor but I know we can ask Owen on this subject.

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