I remember

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Ben point

I walked outside the building wanting to get as much space as I coud. A big teal creature ran towards me and I did the only thing I could do. The only thing I knew how to do was curl up and cry. What felt like a lifetime I could feel the hot breath in my hair. Then it stopped and it moved away. The older girl that was ordering the group came to me and had her arm outstretched. I grabbed her hand as she pulled me to my feet that Bumby your Dino you raised. I don't understand what is going on, I replied The Girl that I think went bye Yasmina. Yas I got a question? Yasmina smiled as she guided me inside and bright me to the couch as the others came back. Yasmina looks around the room before stopping her gaze at two campers. Kenji and Sammy then said the book just says doing the something that he enjoyed or just refreshing their mind by talking about things Ben did that he doesn't remember. Yasmina turned and looked at me and said what the last memory you remember before all that has happened today. I then closed my eyes and said getting beat up on my way home from work. And my mom said she had a surprise for me. The room was silent until the little girl spoke about the surprise. I then said I'm going to guess something about this predicament. The girl then sat there then spoke loud enough pr eddic amen t? I then said a problem. I then saw what I believed to be the boy named Kenji getting up and leaving. I then said where are you going ?Kenji responded with im going to need popcorn to finish this story. The other sat around and waited till he got back when he did Yasmina spoke of how I saved them many times when they were trying to get to the fairy and help them on the monorail. Yamina then said it's getting late we need to get sleep we then fell asleep

The next morning the group continued the story, finishing it after lunch with me. I stared around the room and said this sound ridiculous and made up about me. I picked up the spear and went to the balcony alone and sat down looking at the spear. Am I the hero they say I am or am not. I heard an echoing roar. I wonder what it could be. It sounds smaller than Bumby. The thing that came back to my mind was the fact that it is dangerous to us. Something grabbed my arm and pulled me into the room with the other. Yasmina Then said we need to grab the fuel from the limos and the others stay here and find the compass. I then replied as I felt something take over me Brooklyn, Kenji and Daruis stay here until you find the compass. I look at Sammy, Ella and Yasmina. I will guide you three to the garage and watch over you guys. When I'm done there I will come back and save you guys. Ella then said I'm taking Emerald  as the little green dino laid down in her hands I then guid Yasmina's group through the hallways when we saw a shadow come from around the corner as it moved. I looked behind to see Ella was burying her head into Yas's shoulder as Yas was carrying her and Sammy looking pank.I took A deep breath I looked at Yas and said go straight there when I made the destruction they nodded. I went around the corner to see three come at me. I jab my spear at one neck, destroying it as the second one turns towards Yas. Yasmina held Ella infront of her. I throw my spear as it flies through the air and kill the one that was about to pounce on Yasmina's back. The third one looked at me and ran at me. I ran through the halls as the one was hot on my heels until I opened a room and closed it behind me. I looked around the room and I smiled as I saw a display case of a Bow with sharp blades on the edges with arrows and a katana in a colorful scabbard . The Mono broke a hole through the door. I took the katana and japed it down its mouth and killed it. I ran to the others because I heard screams. I got to the room to see it was a mess. I heard screams coming from the elevator shaft as I ran into it pulling back the bow and shooting it in the head as it was about attack Brooklyn I pulled back the bow and the arrow flew as it hit the Mono in the neck as the mono fell to the ground everyone look above to see me. Darius gave me a mock salute. Brooklyn smiled at Kenji then looked like he was going to kill someone. I then said yippee ki yay motherfuckers {who got that reference.} As I slid on the wire of the elevator shaft Kenji then said do you know how expensive those antique weapons are one of a kind. I look Kenji in the face. Your life is worth more then then everything that you have in this building is not near worth your life ok. Kenji nodded his head. I then asked Kenji do you know how to use a katana? Kenji then said yes My Dad added me to take class on it. I handed him the Katana and the scabbard Kenji tied the scabbard around his waist and looked at me. I then said through that vent I will be last. Darius then said we're going to the limos right. Yes I responded when I heard screams and I realized who it was screaming. I then saw a vent cover to my left. I broke it down and exited the vent. I looked around to see Yasmina with the spear as Sammy is running caring a gas can and Ella towards a limo that was in a corner Kenji i said get everyone to the limo as i shoot arrows like a rain at those monos kept coming from the vents and from the door the door I whistled when a teal blur came through the door trucking all in it path Bumby go to Yasmina and do protect Ella. Bumby ran to the limbo keeping the Monno at bay as more came as I ran out of arrows so I was using the blade edges to defend myself. I looked at Kenji and I realized I need to get those I care about out of this building. I then said Kenji get them out of here now. I will catch up ok as I slaughter a mono


Ben fought the Monos as Kenji drove the car out of the garage and away from Ben. Ella hugs me and buries her head into my shoulder and cries in my shoulder. The car was silent except for Ellas cries. Kenji stopped the car and rolled down the window and looked at Bumby. Yas can't you tell Bumby to get Ben. Ella stopped crying and turned to look at Kenji and in a quiet voice. Bumby does not disabays Ben orders. That night we were on the bout. We had 4 bedrooms and we grabbed all of Mitch, Tiff and Cody belonging on the beach excluding the weapons. They stayed in the weapons room at all Kenji and Darius took one room well Brooklyn and Sammy took the other. I was in the third room with Ella tucking her in bed as Emerald laid on the foot of the bed like a dog. She looked at me and said will we see Ben again? I then said I don't know but Ben is the strongest person I know. I kissed Ella on the forehead and said I'm going to go outside for a bit before I will join you on the Bed. I turned off the light and closed the door when I saw the others looking at me. Darius then said we need to leave before we lose anybody else. Then before we go I want to go back to the penthouse for Ben's bike. Yasmina, we can't go back, Kenji said. I then said tomorrow Me and Brooklyn will go to mainstreet to get food. Darius you will take everyone but Kenji and go to the treehouse for supplies. Kenji then spoke up why are you excluding me? I then pulled out the spear and said you are watching Ella and if she gets hurt so god help me Ben will not be the only one who died on this island. There was silence around the hallway. I broke it by saying everyone gets sleep we will all have a radio channel 6 I left the hallway


I woke up and saw Emerald sleeping on the bed. Kenji walked into me and moms room. He then said come on pint size you want to say bye to the others right. I smiled as he picked me up and rested me on his hip and walked above deck. I then saw the others with bags about to leave when I said bye as they turned to wave at me. I watched it with Kenji. The others left when they did. I came up with a plan. I then said Kenji, can you show me your sword up in the sunlight? Kenji then smiled and said it's pretty cool I can get it. Kenji left then came back Bumby then was roaring in a direction. Something not right I then said uncle Kenji can you get me my pink blanket. Kenji looked at me confused then said you have a pink blanket? I then said Please in my cute face I could make. Kenji left to go get it. I then picked up the sword only for me to fall backward with the sword. I need to help Daddy. I dragged the sword on the ground as I ran as fast as I could to Bumby who laid down so I could get on her back. I climbed up don't worry Daddy I'm coming.


I walked up and looked at the bench where Ella was supposed to be. My sword was gone. I can hear Yasmina Yelling I then relized Im so dead I then saw footprints of Bumpy well that got to be clue on where they went 

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