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𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 SIX


Wednesday, as she landed at the Durban Airport she received a call from Clive. She looked around wondering if he was calling because he could see her or he was calling randomly like the last time. When she was sure that she couldn't see anyone that resembled him or his brothers, she answered the call but he had unfortunately hung up. She didn't bother returning the call, but instead she requested an Uber and it took her home. To her surprise, the gate was open and she could see two cars as she got out.

It was good that she had a weekender bag only with her, she knew she was going to lie and tell him she had gone home for the weekend if he asked. Not that it mattered. She stepped into the house without knocking, her eyes marveled at the amount of shopping bags that had crowded the kitchen. He had gone all out... beyond what she expected... and far beyond what she asked. She found him in the lounge, sitting with an elderly woman.

Buhle: Uhm... san'bonani.

Clive: Hey, you're home. Tried calling you.

Buhle: Saw that, was going to return your call once I got home. Akunankinga?

Clive: Cha cah... uhm, this is Mam'Joyce from eMgungundlovu.

Buhle: Saw'bona ma.

Joyce: Saw'bona sisi.

Buhle: Uhm... let me go freshen up.

Clive: Okay, I'll be there in a few.

Buhle didn't respond.

She walked to her room, and changed into comfortable clothing by the times she returned to the loung Clive was sitting alone and the second car was gone outside.

Buhle: Your guest left already?

Clive: Yeah uhm... can we talk?

Buhle: Mh.

She sat down and looked at him.

Clive: I would like to hire Joyce as your home executive or assistant or whatever they are called.

Buhle: Mh, why?

Clive: You will have someone to talk to, you will have someone to leave behind without thinking about robbers when you want to visit your family, she will do the grocery shopping and anything else that you need. As your husband, I will know that you are taken care of, even in my absence.

She nodded.

He was now taking the husband cap all too serious...

Buhle: Ngiyabonga Mbulazi, this is a kind gesture.

Clive: But?

Buhle: But mina ngiyas'thanda i'space sami. I don't bother you, I will not bother you. The only thing I ask is that when you come home, even if it is once in a month, just buy groceries.

Clive: If I don't come home?

Buhle: I will see what to do, ngekhe ngize ngife yindlala.

Clive: Please sleep on it? Joyce will be of great help to you, for real.

She nodded.

Clive: Uhm... I didn't wanna unpack and mess up your kitchen.

Buhle: Oh thank you, you momma taught you well.

He laughed as she got up to go and unpack.

Shortly after, he followed and just watched her. They made conversation about everything that was happening in their absence as the men of the family, the missing cattle that was found in another village... everything under the sun. Except for the most important things.

Buhle: Manje ke Mbulazi, ungathanda ukudla ini ntambama?

Clive: I would like to take you out... if you don't mind.

Buhle: Take me out? As in... a date?

Clive: Yes.

Buhle: And here I thought no Zulu man would ever say "no" to a home cooked meal.

Clive: Food is not running away... You can cook for your husband tomorrow night.

Buhle: Habe! So, how long are you intending to stay here? Phela I wouldn't want to keep you unnecessarily. Uyazi nawe uwumuntu oxakeke kabi e East London wena Mbulazi.

Clive: Ngizohlala iveki nje elilodwa mama... maybe less... kodwa mina inhloso yami ukuchitha nje is'khashana nawe khona la ekhaya for a week and then I'll go back to East London ngiyosebenzela iingane zethu.

Buhle: Hay cha, uma usho kanjalo baba I will not stand in your way. We will go out tonight, then I will cook for you tomorrow.

Clive: Ngiyabonga... now, can I quickly dash to eMlazi? I will be back in time for our dinner plans. I have to deliver something for my brother.

Buhle: Sure.

He smiled, and left Buhle standing like a lost soul.

She could tell that there was something different about him... but she couldn't pin it down. He was more alive than on their wedding weekend. He was more interested in her... which caught her off guard for a second. She was very good at pretending... but she knew that for her plan to work, she had to be extra good at everything. Starting from the date night...

Clive was young. Unlike his brothers.

There was no way Buhle was going to a dinner date dressed in body covering, drenching gowns, she wasn't going to court or zion... she had to dress up for him... be sexy and maybe make him forget about Iyana just for one night. She got to her wardrobe and took out a black knee length, one armed ruffled dress. Phathuxolo had bought it for her on her first graduation and that was the last time she had worn it. She took out black trappy stilettos with gold heels, a matching gold clutch and a 32-inch deep wave wig she had bought from Wigs By Eve a few weeks before her wedding.

"Saze sababahle for amadoda wabantu Jehovah" she chimed, and then laughed at her own voice.

"Uma uthola ichance Baba ung'gcinele nje eyami indoda. Whenever he sees a woman whose name is not Buhlebenkosi he must either lose his voice or go blind instantly"

Again, she laughed at her craziness.

She always had these crazy conversations with God, randomly too, because she believed He was everywhere and He could hear everything. Unlike the traditionalist and religious folk she grew up with who believed one could only converse with God solely through "on your knees" type of prayer or only at church on Sunday. She had this firm belief that He could hear her, everywhere, any day.

Shrivelled Roses 2: Iyana KleinbooiWhere stories live. Discover now