late at the candy club (aka the basic story)

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Kevin's pov:

"I wanna go home but I choose over time .... on fucking Halloween, why was I not thinking," I was thinking to myself as I put my head on the cold white counter.

I knew Halloween is the worst time for me to do over time, soo much happens on Halloween like me almost getting killed by a DOLL because of two shitty kids that usually get them self into trouble. And not to mention the kids that literally robs the store when I'm not fucking looking... GOD I WISH SOMETHING GOOD HAPPENS ONCE. Hopefully tonight is the night.

As I stand there waiting I hear the door open as the two little kids I was talking about earlier enter the store.

"HELLO KEVIN!" The one dressed up as a skeleton says to me.

"Can we have some candy for the 𝙎𝙋𝙊𝙊𝙆𝙔 𝙈𝙊𝙉𝙏𝙃!" the other says that is dressed a pumpkin.

"NO, now you can get out i am tired of you two," I say to the two.

"But Kevin its a 𝙎𝙋𝙊𝙊𝙆𝙔 𝙈𝙊𝙉𝙏𝙃!" One of them says.

"NO NO NO, IM TIRED OF THIS 'spooky month' IF I GIVE YOU CANDY WILL YOU LEAVE!" I shout at them. They both nod their heads as I give them the candy they wanted from me.

"THANKS KEVIN HAVE A GOOD 𝙎𝙋𝙊𝙊𝙆𝙔 𝙈𝙊𝙉𝙏𝙃!" The skeleton says leaving with the pumpkin.

I sigh as they leave and rest my head on the cold white counter as I here the door open again. Three kids walk in, they seem familiar but I just go on with it. "Hello what would you like today, " I say

"Can we have three lollipops, " the blond one with curly hair asked me.

"Yeah sure, " I say going under the counter and then handing all three on them their candy.

"Thank you sir, " the one with black hair and dark clothes says to me.

I start wave them goodbye but I look at the one with brownish redish hair and see candy in his pockets I realized that it was the kids THAT KEEP ON STEALING CANDY. "HEY STOP THERE! " I scream at them.

"Hehehe!!" The one stealing the candy says as he grabs the two other boys and run out of the store.

Can this night get ANY WORSE!! I hate working here I wish I could quit but it's the only good paying job that is good for a lonley guys that lives in a apartment.

I here the door open and a guy in a vampire costume walk in.

"Hello welcome to the candy club what do you need," I say tired.

"Hello good sir I am streber the 'vampire' and I would like a big box of candy for my haunted house!" The 'vampire' says as I look up at him. He had black spikey hair and wore a vampire costume and had fake vampire teeth in. He was actually very beautiful... but thats just weird u just met him heheheh... heh any ways.

"Ok is that all for you sir streber," I say.

"Yes it is thats all also actually I really like the uniforms they give you guys they look AMAZING!" He says looking at my uniform. The uniforms were just a white short sleeve button up shirt with blue pants a bow tie that looked like a piece of candy and a sailor hat.

"Thank you, I like your costume," I say to him. He seems like a nice guy maybe I finaly found a good costumer.

"Hehe thanks if you want to stop by later my the haunted house ends at 9pm sooooo maybe you could come and visit," he says as he leans on the counter as I stare at him.

"I guess I will I mean like my shift ends a 8:20 soo ill stop by, oh yeah my name is Kevin by the way," I say to him.

"Oooo amazing name Kevin, i gotta get going now bye bye," he says as he starts walking out waveing good bye.

I look down and see a folded paper with his name and a tiny bat at the end of his name i open it and it says the street the haunted house is ... and his number.

I look around to see if anyone is watching then I jump up and down in excitement.

"HELL YEAH!" I scream. I sit down on the ground and wait 10 minutes till I can leave.

Streber's pov:

I walk out of the candy store that has HIM!!!
I finally figured out his name and its sooo cool and like he's soo nice. I'm glad I finally had the courage to talk to him HE LOOKED SOO COOL.. I mean like I've always seen him handing out candy to kids when ever I'm walking outside walking past the candy club. His smile is soo beautiful and wonderful and OMG WHY AM I TALKING ABOUT SOMEONE I HARDLY KNOW LIKE THIS!!! Just calm down streber it's all right.

I get to the haunted house and it is now 8:12. Now time to wait for him to show up.

"Hi Streber, how are you?" One of the scream actors aka my brother asked me.

"I'm good! I'm just waiting for someone," I responded.

"Ooo cool, whos coming over to the haunted house?" He asked me.

"His name is Kevin and he works at the candy club and I invited him over to the haunted house!!" I say as I look at my watch and see the time is 8:15. I start getting excited I get to see Kevin.

I sit down since kids are heading home instead of trick or treating because the night is almost over.

It finally hits 8:20 and Kevin will be over here at any minute. I look in the distance to see Kevin walking down the sidewalk and I start running towards him he gets right in front of the house and I accidentally tackle him to the ground causing him to hit his head on the cheap carpet leading into the house. I closed my eyes during the fall so I didn't see if he was ok. I open my eyes to see him half up and me on his grabbing on to his chest, he was really red soo I thought he was angry at me.

"I'M SOO SORRY KEVIN ARE YOU OK!" I ask him as I grab on to his face.

"YEP, YEAH, I'M ALRIGHT HEHE!" He says freaking out as I get up off of him but still holding his face. I realised how warm he was and how soft his face. I take my hand off his face after I realised I was staring at his face. I grab his hand helping him up as he stubles.

"Hey streber is that the dude you were talking about?" My brother asks me.

"Yeah this is Kevin," I say as I put my hand in Kevin's shoulder. Kevin stayed still as a statue still red.

"WELP I GOTTA GO NOW IT'S 8:30 SEE YAH LATER STREBER!" Kevin says as he runs out of the place nervously. I wave goodbye as he runs down the side walk.

"I think he like you streber," my brother says to me.

"KEVIN LIKEING ME NO WAY HEHEHE!" I say nervously, maybe even more nervously than kevin. I look down at my shoes and I think to my self... I THINK I LIKE KEVIN!!!


THAT'S ALL FOR THIS CHAPTER GUYS!! I hope you enjoyed this one:)
I hope you like the cover I drew it myself. It was really fun to make this and I hope you like it a lot<33
Words: 1278

♡Streber X Kevin /candybats Storys♡Where stories live. Discover now