nice and warm

78 1 1

Requested by: me 😘

(And for this story they aren't dateing.. Yet 🤓)
Strebers POV:

It was a regular Friday on a fall evening and I wait for Kevin to show up because i asked kevin if he could spend the night and he said yes due to him having the weekends off.
I hear a knock at my apartment door and I head over to the door and let kevin in, kevin plops down on the couch and I sit down next to him. "How have you been kev!", I ask him trying to start a conversation.

"It was hell! I had to deal with the costumers all day because Rick was sick, AND YET HE POST ON HIS FUCKING SNAP STORY ABOUT HIM RADFORD AND ETHAN AT THE MOVIES!", Kevin snaps with a mad expression.

"It's ok kev, maybe we can just relax here in my place," I say trying to calm him down, "I could go order some food for us, what would you like?"

"How about some pizza?" He says.

"Yeah ofc!"
We order the pizza and me and kevin continue talking back and forth like we always do but it felt different this time, we have been really close friends around when I first met him and I always told him everything but one thing, I never told him I was.. You know.. Gay, I was scared I would get a bad response about it. I try to ignore the fact everything felt weird and get over it.
It was time for bed but kevin forgot to bring blankets and I had mine in the washer, the only one I had was the one on my bed.

"Hey streber?"

"Yeah kev?"

"I forgot to bring my own blankets do you have any?" Kev asks me.

"Oh shit I have them in the washer they are still wet in sorry," I say sadly.

"Do you think I could lay I  could the bed with you?" He ask me. My cheeks turn a slight pink.

"Uh..yeah sure,"I say panicing. As he lays down next to the bed. He turns of the light and I face the wall and I slowly drift off to sleep.
Kevin's POV:

I lay down in strebers bed feeling weird and I turn of the light. I hear the wind blowing on the window next to streber and I hear strebers small snores. I just strair straight at strebers closet with a horror movie poster on the door of it. I then try to fall asleep but then I feel someone grab me from behind and I turn around to see the short boy streber holding me like a stuffed animal. I didn't wanna wake streber soo I decided to try to move his arm. I strangly didn't mind his cuddling me and I kinda actually wanted to hold him to, he felt nice and warm and soft.

I try my best to not wake him up but eventually he starts mumering, "huh?" he says confused but then he looks up to see me. "OH SHIT KEVIN I'M SORRY!" he shouts.

I then start the think to myself about it and how I didn't actually mind it but I didn't think before I said these words, "it's ok you can continue I actually like it,". He stares at me all red  and sweath and then grabs onto me tightly and burys his head into my chest. I rap my arms around him and hold him tight. I then feel him fall asleep in my arms and I start to dirift of to sleep, I felt calm with him he it felt nice and warm to be with him.
Readers POV:

Kevin wakes up to see streber still cuddling him. Kevin decided to kiss strebers for head before he gets up and goes to the bathroom. As Kevin leaves the room streber was shocked on what happened because of Kevin thinking he was asleep but streber ends up noticing the whole thing and he just lays there with his face all red.
thats the end of the story :D


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