vampire bites

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The was requested by Catmug23465


Readers pov:

It was a dark and chilly evening and due to it being dark streber decided to walk over to Kevin's house due to it being more warm at Kevin's house, because it's was dark streber didn't really have to worry about that sun. Streber decided to text kevin letting kevin know he was on his way.
Over text:

Streber: hi kev!

Kevin: hey streber, what's up?

Streber: I was just letting you know I'm coming over :)

Kevin: alright.

Streber: see you there ♡

Kevin: bye ♡
Readers pov:

Streber finally gets to Kevins house and knocks on the correct to see Kevin opening it up, "hi Kevin,"

"Hi streber!" Kevin says. Streber gives Kevin a little kiss on the lips and walks into the house and goes straight to the couch and lays down tired and Kevin goes up and sits next to him. Streber sits up and the slides next to kevin.

"Can we watch a movie?" Streber asks Kevin and Kevin nods his head signaling yes.

"What should we watch?" kevin asks streber as he turns his head to him.

"Can we watch a horror movie?" Streber asks.

"No," Kevin snaps.

"Please!!" Streber begs



"I hate you," Kevin says annoyed.

"I love you too," streber responds as him and Kevin get into a comfortable spot, Kevin was laying down behind streber with one of his arms around streber with his other arm used to hold his head up and streber was laying down facing the tv watching the movie.
Readers pov.. Still:

Streber gets bored and decided to turn around and face Kevins neck. He decideds to start kissing Kevins neck as Kevin was distracted by the movie. Streber grabs onto kevin as he is still kissing his neck. Streber then reveals his fangs and then bits Kevins neck, kevi  then jumps out of shock and looks down to see what streber was doing. Streber continued to drink some of the blood that pored out and when he fineshed he looks up at kevin, "sorry kev," streber says.

"It's ok dear," Kevin then hits streber tightly to the point streber could not breath.

"B-babe I can't breath, m-my binder, " streber strugles to say as Kevin let's him go.

"Sorry babe I forgot," Kevin says apologizeing. Streber grabs Kevin and hugs him close to him.

"It's ok, I love you," streber says.

"I love you to but what am I gonna do about this?" Kevin points to the bite mark.

"Idk" streber says.

"Fuck you,"Kevin says annoyed

"I love you too," streber says.
I hope you like it I'll be taking more request:)

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