late at the candy club pt2

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Nobody's pov:

After that one night kevin and streber got closer and became closer friends we're they would talk everyday.
Streber knew damn well he was gay as hell for kevin to the point he would marry kevin if he could, but was better at hiding his crush on kevin then kevin hiding his crush on streber due to the first time they met kevin ran off blushing because he fell on streber.
This day kevin decided to tell streber his crush on him. He determined himself so he wouldn't whimp out and lose his only good friend (other than Rick but Rick just want to be left alone lol) .

Kevin decided that this day he would tell streber his true feelings and not chicken out. ‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿
Kevin's pov:

Another day at the candy club hoping that the day will end soo I could plan out how to ask streber.

"I don't know what to do!" I say to myself as I'm trying to plan out how to tell streber my feelings for him. I mean like I've only known him for a bit soo I'm just scared if he ignores me for the rest of my life..heheh, I'm terrible with stuff like this.

"I might screw this up, I mean I really do like streber ALOT but what if he is straight and finds me weird, what if he already has someone he loves, what if he actually-" I start saying to myself until I get interrupted by someone.

"Who the hell are you talking to kevin? " Rick asked me.

"Myself because I don't know what to do, " I say to him as he looks at me confused.

"Ok, good luck trying to figure out that stuff," Rick says leaving me alone.

"Wow, just wow" I say to myself, "that totally helped me, " I say mad.

Maybe soon I'll be able to the leave and go home and think about on what to do. Hopefully..
Strebers pov:

I was laying down in my bed doing nothing because I was bored. My brother was at work and kevin was also at work. I mean I sorta wish kevin was here, I do miss him a lot:(

As I was thinking to myself I hear phone buzz.. KEVIN TEXTED ME :D

Texting  :
(Btw this would be on strebers phone that's why Kevin is 'Kev :D')

Kev :D : Hey streber.

Streber: HELLO KEV :D

Kev :D :I was just wondering if we could meet up today?

Streber: HELL YEAH OFC >:D

Kev :D : Ok what time do you think we should?

Streber: how about at 5 :)

Kev :D : Ok that sounds good. Meet me at Your moms left toe bridge.

(Btw don't mind the next of the place I didnt know what to put 😿 any ways back to the story)

Streber: ok, sounds amazing:D

Kev :D : Ok bye see you there :)

Streber: BYE KEV ♡

Still strebers pov:

I realised what I sent to Kevin I freaked out and threw my phone at my brother who just got home from work.

"What was that for?" He asked me.

"YOU KNOW KEVIN RIGHT! " I scream at him.

"Yeah the crusty guy who you have a crush on and always talk about?" He says annoyed.

♡Streber X Kevin /candybats Storys♡Where stories live. Discover now