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I'm like Nico...and you guys are like my Jason... I need you to be okay, without you I'll try to stand but it'll hurt too much and I'll fall, and I'll fall hard...unless I have you there to catch me. I think you'll catch me....

I hope you will.


I tap my foot anxiously waiting for the waiter to come back with our food. I feel a hand hold my leg down and still. I look over at Reyna, she looks antsy too but half as much I feel.

"Relax," she says.

I shake my head, "I can't. I want to get back, now."

I left Nico sleeping in my bed, alone. I hated leaving him, hearing him whimper in his sleep and search for my hand to hold. It hurt my heart. I wanted to get back to him as fast as possible. I wanted to hold him and tell him sweet things, make sure he was ok.

Wanting sickness pulls at my chest as I remember sleeping with him last night.

I started awake, unaware of what woke me up. I look around, searching the room around me. The blinds were open and starlight shined through. It was actually pretty bright out for it to be night and the stars were so clear in the sky. I leant back and looked down at Nico, snuggled close to me. I looked at the way the stars glowed on his pale face.

He looked so peaceful in sleep. I kissed him on the forehead and watched him sleep, squeezing gently at his hand. He was brighter than the stars. Like an angel. I stroked his soft dark hair and counted his soft breathes until I was overcome by sleep. I felt comfortable; it had to be the best sleep I'd ever experienced in my entire life.


"And here is your omelet," the waitress said placing my food in front of me. I eyed my food hungrily, my stomach growling. Then I remember how hungry Nico must be, he'd fallen back asleep before eating and had slept through a majority of the morning and if I was this hungry even after eating dinner he must be starving.

 I quickly begin cutting my omelet into pieces to eat, wanting to get home and make sure Nico gets nourished. Reyna isn't as rushed as me and I try not to let it annoy me but it would be hypercritic if I said anything since I still hadn't eaten anything yet. I stab my fork into a piece of my ham and cheese omelet a shovel it into my mouth.

Upon tasting it I am instantly disappointed. But that's how it's been for everything I've eaten as of tasting Nico's cooking. This omelet is like cardboard compared to Nico's. No offense to 'Mickey's Seat Yourself Diner'. Although it wasn't as good as Nico's, hunger is the best sauce, so I continue to eat. Me and Reyna talk a little in between mouth fulls, normal stuff, Like when school opens again in a week and how there's supposedly gonna be a huge snow storm so break might get extended. Then she walks in.

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