Chapter ELEVEN

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Sup chickpees

i know you just love me and my minicliff hangers *gets hit in the face with tamatoe*you know what, nevermind

Well, since i was threatened that Hades would take my soul (cough cough @theysay_wehave_ahome cough) and i had 2 hours to spare i present you with le chapter eleven

Enjoy moi little chickpees and my one rainbow turtle

Kisses, Mad-E

Nico (cause he's so amazing and perf)

“Nico! You’re supposed to eat the spaghetti not put it in your hair!!!” She tries to sound angry but she was laughing too hard.

I clapped my pudgy little toddler hands together, giggling along with my sister although confused. I didn’t get that spaghetti was food and not a wig. But who could blame me, I was only 3.

But then I wasn’t, then I was 6.

“Nico, RUN!!” she was a few feet ahead of me, her long legs carrying her faster than my short ones could. Her thin lips tilted up in a bright smile. We ran through the woods in our backyard, her best friend/ evil hunter goddess was chasing after us. She was fast and gaining on me quickly. I made a sharp swivel so that I was behind a thick pinecone tree. Then there was a loud thunk and the tree shook slightly. Bianca came to a sudden stop turning around and gasped.

I peeked around to the other side of the tree. I fell back laughing. Bianca’s best friend, Thalia, was strewn in front of the tree rubbing her forehead. She had probably run straight into the tree trying to catch me. That wasn’t even the funniest part. Seconds later a pinecone fell out of the tree and landed right on her face.

“Ooooowwww!” Thalia yelled at the tree.

Bianca tried to be concerned for her friend but fell over next to me laughing. Then I blurted it out, not really thinking but it’s what came out, “Pinecone face”.

There was a second of silence, then everyone burst out laughing, Thalia included.

Then I was 11. The sun burned on the back of my neck but I was shivering and hot tears streamed down my cheeks. Newly turned dirt stained my dress pants. I was on my knees in front of the stone angel, my head was pressed against it sobs racking my body. My nails clawed at her name written in fancy font at the foot of the statue.  Bianca Di Angelo

I traced each word in the stone over and over again, thinking maybe they weren’t really there.

I traced the whole thing out with my middle finger, the silver skull ring glisten on my finger, the last present she gave. This and the unopened present I was supposed to have gotten on my birthday, the day of her death.

Then I was in darkness. I couldn’t see, or form words, or move. But I was moving. I was lifted off of whatever I had been lying on by strong warm arms. My back hurt, it hurt a lot, like I was on fire. I wanted to scream but all I managed was a whimpering moan. That caused my holder to flinch, which brought upon another moan, but this one sounded more strangled.

I was brought closer to my bearer, they were warm and comforting. I hum in comfort.

“You’re really light you know, when you wake up I’m gonna force you to eat a tub of ice cream”.

The voice echoed in my head, sounding angelic. It was comforting, but I couldn’t exactly distinguish who it was, but there voice was comforting, like the feeling of their warm arms. They were like an angel. The echoing stopped and I forgot what the voice sounded like. I wanted it to come back; I wanted to hear it again. I felt like I was being abandoned. I tried to cry out but again came up with a dying whale moan.

There was a deep sullen sigh, it made me sad hearing the angel holding me sad.

“Did he do this to you?”

Who’s ‘he’? What happened to me? Why is my back on fire? Who are you? I wanted to ask but it came out as a dried hack. I gasped trying to breath but it felt like dry paint was coating the back off my throat. The sudden movement set off sparks through my spine. I moaned loudly and trembled.

“Shh, it’s okay, it’s okay”, the angel soothed. I stopped trembling and nuzzled into the comforting warmth. I heard them sigh in relief. Then a mellow bang; a soft swish. We walked a few more feet before I am eased down. My back hit cold tile after my feet and legs. Steaming rocks sizzled over my spine. I arched my back trying to run from the pain but that just brought upon a streak off pins and needles tingling over the burning. I gargled out moans and squirmed trying to find an angle that escaped the pain.

My body was gently held down and turned over, placing my torso at a weird angle but the pain was numbed but a dull throbbing shook my bones to the tips of my finger nails.

“Dammit, your back”, the voice was soothing, but wreathed in panic. The soft pads of delicate fingers trailed along my back. It was as if knifes were digging into my bones and fishing out the marrow. I cried out, the first clear sound I had made since the angel had picked me up.

The air made a barely audible whistle as the angel yanked his hand back, hissing, like I had put him in pain. I felt smooth fabric softly slipped off my upper body. I moaned lowly as my arms were pushed up to remove my shirt, the muscles and my back pulling over the soar bone.

Then I was moved over again, then I was flipped. I expected pain to overtake my body but found myself being relaxed against something soft, yet firm. I was warmed by a new heat source. I feel the rest of my clothes stripped off me, excluding my black boxer shorts.

Lukewarm water touched my toes and filled up at my feet and spread over my body, gentle hands soothed over my sore body. My scalp was massaged by strong fingers. Those same fingers stroked my face, feeling the outline of each of my features. Then I am moved around until I am lifted out of the water. A soft towel swiftly wipes me off and I am carried around for a little while. Then I am rested on to something soft, not like earlier. This time it was cool and silky. My back didn’t hurt as bad but I began to realized a stinging in my sides, especially at the bone of my hips.

A warm blanket is draped over me my bare body up to my neck; my hair is pushed out of my face.

Everything is quiet for a while, then the angel talks,“ Hey… yeah, I found him… he’s fine, well kind of… I think it would be better if he explained when you got home… no… he’s not exactly, um, conscious, hehe……………. Yeah, okay… see you in a bit.”

That made complete sense.

I felt a lot better than I did earlier and I felt strong enough to open my eyes.

Blurry, that had to be the best word to describe the world, I moaned at the headache the swirling ceiling gave me. I could see motion out of the corner of my eye. I turned a little and saw an even blurrier image, when things started to clear from my vision who I saw was not who I expect to see.

“Blonde Superman???”    

so quick mini contest, who was Nico's "angel" even though its obvious, and what do you think was happening based on what Nico was feeling... PS. I'm not updating until at least 1 person tries to answer both question

The answer will be in the next chapter so START ANSWERING

ok, love you all

Kisses, Mad-E


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