Chapter SEVEN

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I know this is either annoying or exciting that i'm updating again , but either way, Here you are my little chickpees, eat up and enjoy

Kisses, Mad-E


Not cancld jst post poned, prty’s stil on, c u ths Sun. my sweets


Well I guess that meant the party was off until Sunday, which was okay with me. Truth be told I was tired and didn’t exactly want to bother with Percy today. I mean I still loved him, a lot, but still. My lungs and side hurt from laughing. I don’t think I’ve really laughed at all since the accident. Everyone had trouble making me just smile but Jason told me one story and I was hysterical. That’s actually kind of embarrassing. I hoped Jason didn’t think I was weird.

 Not that I cared of course, but I had a reputation to uphold.

 I sat alone in my empty kitchen; Hazel was out with her boyfriend and some other friends. Persephone was out doing who cares what. I was glad she wasn’t here; she was a horrible person, none the least a horrible step-mother. Dad, well he was probably on another business trip. He wasn’t openly caring or loving but he was there for me when I needed him, well, at least until Bianca died. He started working more and was never home.

 It hurt that he was never here and I didn’t think it was fair that he didn’t care for Hazel but I guess a suckish dad was better than no dad.

 It was starting to get late and Hazel wasn’t here yet, I was starting to get nervous. I picked up my black iPhone, skeletons with bone wings on the phone case. I texted my younger sister anxiously.

 She was really my step sister, Hades had an affair with my mother before she died, then Hazel’s mother died, and she started living with us. She never got to meet Bianca but I think they would have been close.

 A chime from my phone broke me from my train of thought.

 Sleeping over at Gwenn’s 

Srry 4 scaring u

Luv u


 I let out the breath of air I wasn’t fully aware I had been holding. But now I was bored. I kind of wondered what Jason was doing.

 No, bad Nico, why should you care anyways he’s just a big annoying dork, I convinced myself, or at least tried to.

 I was still wondering about Jason though. I picked my phone up off the counter (which I was sitting on) about to text him when an incoming call interrupted me. Seaweed Brain.

 I picked it up instantly.


 “I want to finish what we started at the school, meet me at Motel on 74th street, got it?” Percy’s static voice called out to me.

 “Y-yeah, okay, I’ll see you there”, I replied.


 Then the call ended.

 I inhaled deeply and let it out slowly. I hopped off the high counter walking past the ugly stools Persephone bought; I still refused to use them. I grabbed the house keys on the way out of my expansive house, locking the door behind me as I exited. I walked to the motel which was really only a few blocks away.

 I moved swiftly trying to get to my destination without looking suspicious.

 It was even colder than it was earlier and the smart child I am forgot to bring a jacket, again. I shivered as I picked up the pace trying to warmth my cold muscles.

 After another few minutes of running through the freezing air I reached my destination. I was breathing heavily, white puffs of air floating away in the cold air. I searched the parking lot until I found the car I was looking for, a navy blue Mini Cooper S, Percy’s car. I walked over to it in search of Percy but was met by vacancy.

 I looked closely at his car, he probably left something behind for me to find. His doors were unlocked, which was unusual. It was probably a hint or something; I opened the driver’s side and slid into the comfy leather seats. Taped to the steering wheel was a key, on the top of the key a number was engraved, 214. I guess that was where I was heading.

I climbed out of the car, closing the door quietly.

 Next I began my search for the room, 211, 212, 213, 214.

 Found it!

 I opened the door a dimly lit room; it was your average hotel room, nothing special, only one bed. To be honest it was actually kind of creepy. Percy was sitting on the bed, staring at the wall with a bored expression.

 Then he looked over and saw me, he smiled brightly and I smiled a little too but the uneasiness in my stomach was still there. I looked down at the ends of my black converse.

 I heard Percy get up and walk over; I felt his hand slide across my cheek, caressing my face. It made me feel special, safe, and I allowed myself to lean into his touch.

 My body was relaxed and I was completely unsuspecting to what Percy was doing…


 Yay, cliffhanger

 Don’t we all hate those, even though this wasn’t isn’t that good or anything to brag about

 I know, I know, I suck at this, but remember, you are my chickpees


 I love you, as chickpees 

 Sooooo, comment and tell if you don’t like and I will try harder and I WILL FIX IT

 Okay, I love you my little Chickpees

Kisses, Mad-E


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