New Year with EXO

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An Eri's POV:

It's new year's Eve, and I'm home alone..
All my friends went to their own hometowns, I was stuck with work so couldn't go.

"Daughter, sleep early okay? Don't wait for the clock to strike 12. Happy new year darling, mom and dad love you, good night" My mom said over the call. "Love you too, mom and dad" I said, and hung up. Sighed, I miss them...

Every new year's eve dad would buy us ice cream no matter how cold it would be, mom would make us delicious food, our friends would come over for dinner and we had fun..Sighing I recalled all those memories. It's true that memories keep a person going on with life..

I felt sad for having no one to celebrate the new year with. I lay down on my bed with my hoodie on, staring at the ceiling with thousands of thoughts running through my mind, I heaved a huge sigh and got up.

That's when, an idea came to my mind, lighting up the whole atmosphere around me, like literally if there was a bulb on my head, it would lite up XD

I quickly unfolded my portable study table on the bed, my laptop on top of it, some of my favourite snacks and drinks, turned the lights off, put my headphones on and turned my laptop on.

I directly went to YouTube via Chrome and searched up for a few videos

"HAPPY NEW YEAR!" EXO said loudly, in the video I played on YouTube. It was an old video from 2019..It instantly bought a smile to my face..

I watched the video of them giving each other a special new year's message at Oxfesta.


"Why are they so funny!" I said, covering my mouth while laughing crazily.

Watching a few more videos and performances, I no longer felt lonely and sad. After watching them, listening to them, I always felt ten times better.  Their smiles are enough to lighten up my day. That's why, I call them my home.

EXO were my inspiration, my motivation, my happiness and one point of time, one of the reasons that kept my going with life.

While going through which they say is the toughest phase of life, my teenage. They were the only way out for me. Working hard all day, coming back home in a bad mood, all tired and exhausted, but looking at EXO made me forget all my worries, pains and work for that moment. The pressure of responsibilities of family and work on my shoulder, lightened for that moment. Even if it was for that very moment only...they kept me going.

Feeling proud that I went through all that, bought a smile to my face. I sighed in content closing my eyes and praying and thanking God and EXO.

Enough of emotional shit now, let's PARTY GURRLLLL!

After browsing for a perfect EXO party playlist I finally found one and played it right away, grabbing a Coke can, I swayed and danced to random moves I knew. Felt like being at a club HAHA XD

A tip for you -
If you feel stressed, just play an EXO song, vibe or dance or sing it out loud and alllll your stress just's tried and tested y'all ;)

Dancing, singing and enjoying, I plumped down on my bed, sweating and breathing a little heavily. "THAT WAS FUN GURL! I should do this often, haha!"

I was busy catching my breath when my phone lit up with a notification, making a 'ting' sound. I sat up straight, checking out what the notification was about.

Happy New Year's Eve, y'all! Rest up and have fun with your family and friends. Eat a lot of delicious food, and be happy. Let's have another amazing year."

" You too Kyungsoo!" I said out loud, in response. "Why am I so silly" I said shaking my head and facepalming. "He's not gonna know that I responded anyways, haha" I said to myself, crying and laughing at the same time. #brokeeristruggles

Since King Soo has said to have some delicious food, let's order some food ><

I ordered my favourite dishes from a nearby restaurant, and it said that they'll deliver in 30 mins..

While waiting for my food to arrive, I scrolled through my Instagram filled with new year wishes and EXO videos and replying to a few texts from my EXOL bestie.

Time goes by too fast when you're with your bestie 😌

My food finally arrived!
Thanking the delivery person, I quickly placed all the food I ordered on my table, gathering the cutlery I needed and a phone stand I sat at the table and had my dinner while watching Bad Prosecutor for the nth time ><

It's literally my current favourite and I'd never get tired re-watching it! Jin Jung is just too cool and funny to get bored with. His acting is just too good 😩✋🏻

After simping over Actor Soo for a few more minutes, I finished having my food and watched the rest of the episode.

After doing the dishes and widing everything up, I lay down on my bed looking for something to read or watch, but I didn't find any so I just chatted with my bestie again, HAHA.

"3...2.........1" we both counted and wished each other as the clock ticked at 12:00! A flood of notifications came in, almost hanging my phone, lol.

After wishing everyone, and replying to everyone, I whispered a small 'Thank you' to God, my parents, and everyone, for the wonderful (?) past year I had, with lots of changes, challenges and surprises with the EXOs increasing with every update (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠), it was a good year..

With good memories from the past year, and gearing up for the new year, I had a sweet sleep, dreaming of going to an EXO concert again XD
I'll probably keep dreaming about it till i actually go to one.

Good night EXO and my fellow Eris!
Wishing you a very happy new year, hope it will be a good one!


I hope this year will be a happy, fun and a year full of memories for you.
Even if the start of the year is not as you expected or good according to you, don't worry cause great things don't always have a good beginning ;)
You've got it! Fighting for the year!

Thanks for reading this far! I'll see you, again...soon ;)
Bye bye! Take care and stay safe ♡

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