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I wasn't sure what I was doing here.

I stayed in the forest for a few hours, until the sun rose, allowing me to see. With light now helping me through the roots and leaves, I excited the forest now long after, a make-shift mask covering my face as I slowly wandered through the town I had found myself in.

Not many people looked at me. Most ignored me, but a few waved, or greeted me quietly.

I wasn't sure what to do. I couldn't go back to Tommy and Tubbo, the ones who brought me here. They thought of me as a monster.

But there was nobody else around here that knew where the hotel was. Nobody knew where I had been taken from, and how to get back there.

I wasn't even sure if I wanted to go back to the hotel. Even if Tubbo and Tommy brought me back, I'm sure to be killed by Bad or whoever else I come across.

With loud thoughts and my tail tightening around my leg from nervousness, I sat down on one of the benches around. I wasn't sure what to do now, so I might as well rest. I didn't sleep last night in the forest, but I definitely needed it now. I had never done well with no sleep before. I would end up fainting some time in the day, or be so confused that it wouldn't be able to survive for long.

I pulled my legs up as I sat, wrapping my arms tightly around them and resting my head on my knees. I didn't want to be here.

I wanted to be home.

It was strange. Before, at the hotel, I didn't remember home.

But now I did.

I remembered my mom sitting on the couch with me, her hands brushing through my hair. My hair was different from hers, with her hair being fully black, and mine was a mix of black and white. She also always told me that my hair was softer than hers, something she said my other mother (who I had never met) had given me.

She always had been so kind, and brought me to a camp when I was ten. She thought they would keep me safe, keep me away from the monsters that had been trying to kill me often.

I hadn't been safe. I was seen as a monster, and forced to join a cabin filled with too many people. I was always pushed outside, thrown out, punched, beat up and more and more.

I always wanted to go home, but they wouldn't let me.

When I was fourteen, I ran. It was just me, the clothes on my back and some money.

I wanted to go home.

But she wasn't there.

Someone else was, and when I asked where my mom was–

I spent the next year in alleys, eating from trash cans and fighting monsters often, my knuckles always bruised and bloody. I tried to make my way to where they said my mother had moved to.

I never made it there.

I made it to the hotel, where they invited me in, being kind and welcoming to a tired 15 year old with no will to live anymore. Bad had been like a father to me, helping me up in better clothes, helping me dye my hair to a 'normal colour'.

Then he found my enderman traits and nearly killed me. I almost bled to death, but then he offered me a second chance. I had to work for him. I agreed, wanting a chance to see my mom again.

If what I had figured out was correct, I had been trapped in that hotel for 30 years. I knew time passed quickly in the hotel, but 30 years was longer than I had expected. Especially since it only felt like 2 weeks that I had been there.

I wish it was 2000 again. Sure, next to today everything was horribly unadvanced, and I had never been allowed outside to make friends, but I had been able to spend time with my mom, cuddling on the couch while she read a book to me, my head leaning on her chest as I almost fell asleep.

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