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I was scared. And concerned. And confused as to where the lion came from and why it had attacked Tommy.

The people at the 'big house' weren't much help. They just sat me down in a chair on their patio, handed me a glass of lemonade and sent some pink haired dude to help Tommy while a bunch of younger kids followed him as an example or some shit.

I thankfully wasn't left alone. I don't know what I would do if I was. But really, the company they left me with wasn't the greatest. Across from me, lounging in a chair was a fatherly looking man, almost sleeping with his weird green and white striped hat pulled over his eyes. I didn't really care about his hat. I was more focused on the long grey wings that grew from his back, flapping every once in a while. Crows decorated the chair he was sitting on, flapping and chirping every few seconds. They seemed to be speaking to each other, yelling things at the biggest bird there, who was wearing a replica of the man's hat.

I quietly swallowed down my anxiety, taking a sip of the lemonade they had given me. It was too sweet, but I took more sips, not wanting to seem rude.

I wonder how Tommy was doing. Hopefully he was still alive. The lion definitely looked like it wanted to rip his face off. Let's hope that didn't happen.

I watched as a new crow flew down, dropping a gem onto the man's lap. He didn't even look up, just grabbed the gem from his lap and stuffed it in his pocket as the crow went over to the bigger crow with the hat, chirping once.

The feathers of the big one ruffled, and it turned to the man, opening its beak. I expected it to chirp, or to make a bird noise. I didn't expect it to say "Another day, another dollar spent on a white man" in a human male voice.

I spat the sip I had just taken back into the cup, staring at the bird who just let out a little chirp and jumped onto the man's hat, his feathers poofing up as he nuzzled into the man's head.

The man didn't seem surprised or concerned, he just smiled and reached his hand up, fixing his hat and petting the fluffy feathers of the crow, laughing quietly.

He didn't seem to notice my surprise. Maybe it was normal. So far, nothing seemed normal here. Like how when I was up on the hill, there were only trees, a house and some strawberry fields. But now, from the patio I'm sitting on, I could see a climbing wall with lava pouring down, a bunch of cabins, a stable, a small pond, and wait a goddamn second, that's a fucking horse with wings, what the fuck. Where the fuck was I? Is this all a dream or some shit?

My right hand found its way to my thigh, and there was pain as I pinched my nails into the skin.

Nope. Not a dream.

"TUBS!" A loud voice yelled, and I looked away from the flying horse to see a blond haired teen running towards us, his face and clothes caked in mud. At the same time, a brunette came up to the patio steps, and waited there as Tommy approached.

Tommy stopped when he saw the brunette, smiling apologetically as he leaned his broken bike against the patio railing.

"Hey Wilbur" Tommy said, his voice laced with anxiety.

The brunette, Wilbur I think, just sighed, gesturing for Tommy to join me and the other man on the patio. Speaking of the other man, he had sat up when the boys had gotten close, fixing his hat and waving his arms, trying to get the crows to go away.

"Come sit boys. I have a feeling we have quite a few things to talk about" The man said and Tommy and Wilbur followed. Tommy joined me on the couch I was sitting down, waving at me as he removed his blue cardigan, using it to wipe some of the mud off his face. His shirt had mostly been spared from the mud, so he just turned his cardigan inside out and sat on it, saving the couch from getting mud on it. I think the man was grateful.

Metal Flowers (finished)Where stories live. Discover now