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Wil was angry today.

I wasn't sure why. Maybe it was because of me, as I had been chasing after him all day. Maybe it was because of his one friend, because he had stolen his girlfriend. Maybe it was because of dad, as Wil had just turned 15, and Dad still had never shown up.

Or maybe it was because of mom. But it couldn't be because of mom. She told us we couldn't be angry at her. She raised us, and we always had to be thankful for that. We weren't allowed to yell at her, we weren't allowed to get angry, we weren't allowed to be ungrateful. She got mad if we were mad at her.

Wil was walking quickly around the house, grabbing random things and stuffing them into a bag. I was sitting on his bed, waiting for him to come back each time with his things, adding them to the bag.

"Where are you going?" I asked him, my legs swinging off the bed as he shoved his hoodie into a backpack.

"To camp. And you're coming too"

"Why?" I wasn't sure what camp he was talking about. He'd gone to many camps before. Science, music, volleyball, art, religion, and that was just the last 5 years. But even with all those times he'd gone to camp, I hadn't. Mom had said that she didn't want to be alone, and if I went with Wil, she would be so lonely. That's why I was never begging to go to camp like Wil was. I didn't want Mom to be lonely.

"Because mom is a bitch, and I'm not leaving you here" I frowned. Why was he being so rude to mom? He wasn't supposed to. It was against the rules.

"You're not supposed to swear" Was all I chose to say, and he just sighed, rolling his eyes before zipping up his backpack, and then zipping up his guitar case, both the guitar and everything else he needed stuffed into it.

"Come on, let's go pack your bags" He stood from where he was crouched, and opened his arms, offering to pick me up, but I just shook my head and crossed my arms, mad at him for breaking the rules. If mom found out, I would get in trouble too, and I didn't like getting trouble. It hurt.

"C'mon Tom" He crouched down, his voice going softer as he took his hands in mine, his hands almost swallowing mine. "This is to help us. And to help mom. We just have to go away for a bit. Maybe we'll come back one day"

"Maybe?" I tried to pull my hands from his, but with our age and strength differences, I had no success in freeing my hands. " I don't want to leave mom"

"Mom just needs some time. I promise it's all fine. Let's go pack your bags"

I still didn't want to, but Wilbur grabbed me into his arms, picking me up. I leaned into him, putting my cold hands down the back of his shirt in a way of revenge. He yelped and nearly dropped me, but just continued walking down the hall, letting out a shaky breath as he brought me to my room. He apparently had already brought a backpack into my room, and he set me on my bed next to it.

"What should we pack?" He let out a little click with his tongue as he looked around my room, probably thanking mom for making me keep my room tidy. "What about this shirt?"

He held up a random shirt, and I just rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue out at him, falling back onto my bed.

"Tom, please"

"I DON'T WANT TO LEAVE!" I am getting mad now. I didn't want to leave mom.


"Just leave me alone!"



"Wake up"

Metal Flowers (finished)Where stories live. Discover now