Were Villains They're heros

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Y/n hung above the living room on a ledge on one of the... balconies? As of now Mikey was examining the dragon's tooth.

"I'm surprised they haven't figured out it's a fake yet." Y/n admitted. "Well your replica is almost exactly the same. The only way they would be able to know it's fake is if they used it." Sam added. Y/n agreed and watched as Donnie swooped down to his brothers.

"I give up. You guys are too smart to be fooled. I'll just leave you and the dragon's tooth alone." He said overdramatically.

Making y/n giggle just a bit. "Wow he's really got to work on his acting skills."

"Does this apology have any strings attached?" Mikey questioned.

"No, no. That is what I'm saying. No strings attached." Donnie lied.

"Isn't there literally a string attached to him?" Sam asked

"Uh, there's literally a string attached to you." Raph stated.

"That's what I'm saying!" Sam whispered

"Whatever you do. Don't pull that, it's just a prototype for a new aquatic battle shell." Donnie warned them.

At this point y/n noticed they all looked like Donnie. purple masks, lab coats. eyebrows and everything. "PFFTt they look so dumb." She held in her laughter for the most part.

"Mm, he told you not to pull it, which of course means you should pull it." Raph informed.

"Unless he's doing the, double reverse-reverse then you should not pull it." Mikey added.

"Ah— there it is- classic Donnie overthink." Donnie muttered.

"Ugh this is so boringgg- wait a second if his greatest fear is beach balls he's going to use... oh shit." Y/n realized what he was about to do... she was a villain and already helping him and she still feels bad about what he's going to do? Ugh she can't believe she's doing this.

"Ah, it's the triple reverse. I'm pulling it." But before Leo could Y/n pulled out her machine gun. Dropped from the balcony and started shooting. It shot Leo. Then Mikey. Then Raph

"GAH what did you do?!? I knew I couldn't trust- is that pink bubblegum?" Donnie questioned cleary confused.

"You actually thought I shot your brothers? SheEsH I'm not that crazy."

Yeah no y/n was insane but she didn't carry around actual lethal weapons, her machine gun. Honey as she called it shot out a pink gewy substance. Once it hit the target they were covered in goop. meaning they couldn't move for 15 minutes. unless she used her "honey removal spray." Damn she really needs to work on better names for her inventions.

"I had it under control-" Donnie started but y/n interjected.

"I know you had it under control. Blah, blah, blah. But I knew you would have to go through a whole beach ball fiasco so I decided to help. Now help me move them. This stuff only lasts for fifteen minutes." She ordered walking towards Raph.

"So... you knew I hated beach balls, so you helped... me?" He pointed a finger to himself.

She rolled her eyes. "No, I thought it would be fun to shoot them for no apparent reason at all....   actually that does sound like me." She said while trying to push Raph to the machine.

"Don't worry Sheldon's got it." Donnie pressed a button on his wrist band, and Sheldon flew to Raph and started pushing him to the machine.

Sam stared at Sheldon examining him. She never had another robot friend, she felt so... out of place. Y/n took notice of it and whispered for Sam to go talk. Sam seems overjoyed with happiness as she zooms over to Sheldon. They had some pleasant robot conversations.

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