PFFT Bad Boy?

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"Hey, it's not your fault."

"It's ok you'll get it next time."

Leo and Mikey were both patting Raph's shell.

"Didn't get the photo? DIDN'T"T GET THE PHOTO?! Because you were too focused on a pigeon with pizza, a piece of military-grade technology remains in the hands of-"

"A high school tech club?" Leo interrupted Donnies outburst. "That's right. And now my Bo-staff is also gone!" Donnie looked so frustrated clearly not doing well with holding in the anger.

"Yeah, well, your fear of beach balls didn't help any. I just don't think we were all on the same page." Leo said with his leg's on the kitchen table. Leaning back into a chair.

"Not on the same page huh? Well, I think the problem is, while I come up with brilliant plans, You guys just goof around like dumb-dumbs." Donnie went around to each of his brothers pointing fingers at Raph's head and wiggling his arms around.

He then grabbed some crayons from the table and threw them. "MEH! 'cause you're dumb. Dumb, dumb-dumbs." Donnie walked out of the kitchen.

"I mean, you can kinda see it here." Raph pointed the phone up looking at the picture.

"Wait, did you look at the one Hex took?" Leo asked.

"Who's Hex?" Mikey and Raph questioned

"Oh she's that master criminal that's on the loose." Leo replied.

"WHaT?!" Mikey yelled

"Chillaxxx she's kinda cool, besides I think she actually got a pretty good picture." Leo took the phone from Raphs hands and scrolled to the picture Y/n took.

"Seeeee." Leo pointed the phone to where Raph and Mikey could see it. Leo was right; she took a pretty good picture. You could actually see it in the photo.

"Guess we got the photo after all." Raph cheered.

—-------Time Skip---------

Mikey was now doing a trick on the skate ramp. "And that move is why I'm gonna crush you in skate ball tomorrow."


Smoke began to appear everywhere. "I've done it!" Donnie was standing at the entrance of his room with his goggles down. Everyone coughs slightly.

 "Done what?" Raph asked

"I have created something that will make us unstoppable." Donnie replied with confidence.

"You finally finished your drill?" Mikey looked excited.

"Ha Ha ha No." Donnie answered.

"Is it my Skate Hawks idea? You see, the hawks that we strap to ourselves, and then-" Raph was interrupted by Leo.

"You say the word. I'm ready to go wrangle some Hawksss." Donnie then pushed all of his brothers into the lab. "Not Skate Hawks."

"Uuuhh, what's goin on?" Raph asked slightly confused because him Leo and Mikey. were all inside some sort of... machine?

"Oh, just let me close you into the mental intelligence reprogramulator— I mean, the pizza fun box." Donnie locked his brothers into the machine.

"Pizza fun box!?" They all did a little dance while cheering.

"Everything is going to be brilliant, four times as brilliant!" A giant lever? Of some sort came down from the ceiling.

"Evil laugh!" Donnie shouted, also slightly laughing while speaking.

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