Adoption Day

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Baby Boy's P.O.V.
This was definitely not a day I was looking forward to. "What day is that?", you ask. We'll I'll tell you, today is adoption day. And I know you must be wondering what is adoption day. Well if you're thinking it's the day that cute animals get a home then you can't be more wrong, today is the day we getting paired up with new owners. Let's back up and explain that this training boardinghouse for Subs. Most people that came here choose to come of their own free well, many broken with no money or help for the future. However I was one of the few that was sold to this place. My mother sold me at the young age of 12 to fund her addictions, now I'm 18 almost 19. I've been in and out of this place since I was 15, people have adopted me but returned me. I have no clue why I've given back, nothing is written in my file. I had to ask to see it because it's been hell getting returned so much. Every time I get returned they make be go though, what they call, a retraining but to me it living hell. I rather answer to Hades than go through another one of these sessions.

When I am returned, I'm pulled into small office room while they go over my return paperwork with my previous master/owner. Once they are signed and I'm officially checked back into the system then I'm pulled for a grooming and medical exam. Yeah, they clean, wash, and shave/trim everything, they want us looking presentable for the buyer. Next is the medical exam and it's a simple one as they are just checking for any damage or injuries left by the previous owner which they don't usually find since I'm not with owners long enough for anything bad to happen. Next without clothes to get dressed I'm walked to one of the training rooms where any number of things will happen since, like I said before been through the retraining program more times than I can count. The last time I went though this, they tied my wrists together then locked them into a ceiling mount above my head. My ankle locked open so basically I looked like an upside down letter "Y" then I was left for the night. I've learned by this time in my life not to fight what they do as it gets me more pain than anything good so I just accept whatever happen will happen. When morning comes I notice that Ra, short for Rachel, one of the nicer staff members is going to be walking me through my retraining session. First we start by reviewing the lessons I've been taught here.

-My only purpose is to please my owner by following everything command, rule, wish, and desire they have wether for sex, nurturing, or just run errands and do chores so my life is theirs. It'll be a blessing if I'm treated with some respect.
-My owner have the right to punish me whenever they feel I'm not following their needs or rules. I will accept punishment without fail if I don't want to be dead.
-I'm never to look or talk to a Dom or my owner without permission as it undermines their Authority and is seen as disrespectful.
-Treat my owner with the most respect ever.
As we slowly go though everything Ra, has a crop in hand and is smacking me as I'm too slow explaining or incorrect but being very careful not to smack repeatedly in the same place too much. They know not to leave everlasting marks on me as it would make it hard to get me adopted. After three hours I'm finally done for this particular session and I'm released to relax for few moments before I taken back to my sleeping quarters.

Anyway enough blather about my past here, it's time for me to finally to see if someone wants me. I've been lucky to miss the last few adoptions so the stuff been treating me better than normal in hopes that someone will take a chance on me. They have lined us up, nude and kneeling in the standard submissive position with our wrists bound in front of us,along the hall next to the exam room as people want to see us different subs get taken. Some are returned to wait while others are taken to be prepped for their new home. I'm still waiting for my turn, trying really hard to remember all my training so I don't get in trouble and have to spend time in the isolation room. Eventually I hear, "Head Up, Boy." It breaks my trance of daydreaming, almost immediately I tilt my head up while following the rule to keep my eyes pointed down as to not looking a Dom in the eyes without permission. But I do catch that one of that it's one of male staff members assisting to my care as metal collar attached to my neck then chain leash is attached to the collar. Knowing that I'm under one of the male staff members helps to ease my anxiety as I know they are a little bit nicer than anyone else.

I'm made to stand and led into the exam room which is just a school gym like room with section marked off with dividers and some seating for clients. There's pretty much no privacy here as our future owner get to do a full 360 degree check on us. As I'm being led to my potentially new owner,I find it really really hard to follow rules and keep my eyes and head down. I think it's because that this collar is a little bit too small for me and that it's rubbing in the worst way possible. I'll said sharp metal doesn't feel good. Finally we stop and I take to stand on my cushy foam mat. We're provided these mats as a marker of where to stand (or kneel if client want us to) it not really to make us feel comfortable but it is cushy to help make clients feel better about adopting sub from this facility.

Suddenly I hear a rough, "Behave." As the leash is unclipped from the collar. I do my best to not look up but out my peripheral vision I catch a glance of what might be my new owner. She, I think the person is female, caught my quick look out of the corner of my eye as she hisses at me. Definitely embarrassed I try extra hard to focus on my feet and not make any more mistakes. "You said he has been in and out of this facility, right?" I heard the client said. Then hearing a new staff member reply, "That's right." "And you don't know why?" " correct, madam." "Well let's see what we got here."

Soon I can hear the clicking of heels against the floor indicating to me that doing a walk around. I hear little hums of approval which I take to be a good sign that I might be going to a new place tonight. She stops in front of me making me a bit on edge, "Hey he's a tall one, what did you said his height was?" She calls back to the staff member help her. I hear some clacking sounds as it seems the staff member is looking though my file on the iPad. "Just over 6 feet." The staff member calls out. "Arms up, sweetie." She commands me. It's only now that I realize that my hands o because my wrist are bound are resting in the most natural spot in front of my cöck. Upon complying, the best I can with bound wrists, she grabs my cöck giving a couple quick jerks before admiring its size. Those jerks stifled some moans to almost come out but as behaved as I was trying to be didn't let them escape. "My my, what good boy you are." She complimented me. And without a missing a beat I said, "Thank you."  Immediately realizing my mistake of taking without permission I went to apologize but she quickly stopped it saying, " it's okay. I want you be able to take compliments when I give them to you. So you have nothing to worry about. But now I need you to kneel so I can finish my observation."

Quickly I complied, getting down without looking up. Definitely don't need to get into trouble right now, she seems like a nice enough person but I don't want to test that right now. As I wait for her next move I notice that she wearing combat boots so I definitely think she made to be a dom."Thank you,Darling. I'm almost done." She finally said after a moment. Then I felt her hand on my chin. She tilted up to admire my features as she did that I found it really really hard not to look her in the face. She must of noticed my anxiety because she said "Relax." Which really help me to breathe and calm down. "You definitely have gorgeous eyes aren't the just the most brilliant color. But tell me did you have some piercings? You do have a couple scars." She spoke calmly. "Yes, I did when I was younger but not anymore." I said as truthfully as I could.

As she let go of my chin I relaxed back to look completely down again. Now hearing her boot I could tell she was circling around again, upon reaching the front of me she said, "I'm going to run a hand through your hair, I'm just checking for bugs, alright?" "Permission is always yours, Miss." I responded carefully. "Good boy, exactly the respond I wanted to hear." With that she started her check but I think she was more interested in playing with my hair than checking for bugs because I felt her linger her hand in spots longer than necessary. Finally she pulled her hand out and turned around to the staff member help her,"He's perfect, How much do I owe you?"

"Are you sure you want him despite his past?" The staff member asked. "I'm definitely sure because you wouldn't have mentioned him if you didn't think we be a good match and beside I'm ready for the challenge of training him if he get out of line." "Alright, Sam will you take him the holding room?" Soon I heard Sam speak up, "Sure, thing" Sam must of been the one that fetched me earlier and I didn't know he was still present. He came to clip my leash back on then pulled me up to start walking but before we could leave she stopped us saying, Can I request that you please don't cut his hair? I think he cuter this way." "Sure, madam. I'll make sure the other staff know." Sam said. With that I was being led back out of the exam room.

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