Tour, Rules and More

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After parking the car she came around and led me out of the car, then into the house. It was definitely a nice place. Definitely not a mansion by any means nor a scummy one story house in the suburbs, it was a good family two story house. "Sorry it's not much, but it's clean." She said. "No need to apologize, it better than the facility by far." I comment.
"Hey, let me show you your room." She said.
"I get my own room?" I questioned.
"Of course you do as I think it's important for you to have your own space to unwind at times." She spoke as she leads the way. "Before we go in I just want to tell you this was my son's old room so some of his clothes and decorations might still be in there."
"Where is your son now if you don't mind me asking?"
"He's in his second almost third year of college. And before you ask, no we're not close so you're not going to see him really."
"Oh, ok," Not really sure what I was supposed to do, "well can I see the room?"
"Yes of course." she said while opening the door.
It was a simple bedroom with a bed, nightstand with a lamp on top, dresser, a desk and closet. In the closet was some forgotten clothes. "If those clothes fit you then you're more than welcome to keep the them." "Thank you very much." I said grateful to be given anything as I started to look though the 10 or so shirt. They look to be some old rock band tee with some cool graphics mixed in. "We'll go shopping for more clothes later this week " she said as I continue looking around the room. The one of the walls had a few posters up, I can't tell what they are still I've been living in the facility for so long but they definitely seem like my vibe so I think they stay even if I move them. "Are you ready to see the rest of the house?" "Yes, Miss." "Good Boy, follow me."

She led the way down the hall way pointing out the bathroom next to my room which was for my use, then linen closet and other storage spaces until we reached the master bedroom. "K, this is my room and you'll probably get to spend most of your time here unless I take you to the red room or the white room. She said while opening the door. "What are those rooms?" I ask inquisitively. "I'll explain when we go over the paperwork in a little bit. "Naughty Boys, Don't get luxury so if you're misbehaving then you'll be sleeping there." She pointed out a large kennel often used for dogs that had outfit with a plush rug at the bottom in the corner of the room. Definitely looked uncomfortable as hell, I hope I can live up to her expectations and not get sent to the "dog house"

The bed looked to be a decent sized queen bed with four posts holding up a canopy with nice midnight blue bedding that almost matched my cheap collar from the facility. She continue to show me around, the room had nice size walk-in closet and the master bathroom was absolutely gorgeous with beautiful tub that she said she might use with me if I can be extra deserving. It would be a dream come true if I earn that. "K, let's go to the office and start on paperwork. We'll finish the house tour after dinner"

As she walked us down stairs, she pointed out the red room and the white room before finally reaching the office. Walking in she showed me to a chair in front of the desk before taking a seat behind her desk. "K, first packet is Rules and Consequences. Just read over them and when you're finished let me know." She then handed me the stapled packet.

Rules and Consequences
1) Follow every command in a timely manner. Longer tasks will be given greater instructions.
2) Your body, your cöck and your pleasure is mine so ABSOLUTELY NO MASTURBATION. So don't make me have to chain your cöck
3) For the most part you will be allowed to have your own sense of style in that you'll be able to pick out your own clothes, choose how to style your hair, choose tattoos and piercings if desired but I'll have a final say especially when going out.
4) Around the house if I request that you strip or remove an article of clothing then you'll do so swiftly without complaining or giving me back talk as your body is for my ultimate pleasure.
5) Basic Household cleaning chores will be done once a week by our maid so you don't ever need to worry about it but as for meal prep I expect you to help me in the kitchen until I trust you by yourself.
6) Your Bedroom is you safe place use it to express yourself and store your personal items as I give you rewards and treats. You're able to within reason request mental recharge and to use your room to help with that.
7) we'll setup a fitness and meditation routine that we'll do together. I don't want your body or mind out of shape.
8) I'll let you know when I'm working in the office and I expect you behave yourself & to not bother me unless it a real emergency
9) as time goes on and I get to know you we'll review or add or change rule as necessary

Depending on which rule or simple command was broken most likely you get verbal warning after 5 verbal warning in a day then you'll receive a level one punishment
Level one punishments will be quick and dished out anywhere at anytime even in the presence of others unless we're out of our home. The can be simply standing in a corner naked to degrading you to spanking.
Bigger rules when broken will be classified for a level two punishment& also after three level ones daily you're punishments will be level two fand for level two punishments they will typically happen in the red room, but sometimes in my room it all be sexual punishment unless I decide to send you to your room
If you're really misbehaving then I'll issue level three punishment which is lost of rights and being ignored
I never want want to have to give out a level four punishment but if you have earned it then level four is being sent to the white room
The Red Room
The room is for all kinds of sexual activity when you behave many beautiful things will be your reward and when you misbehave then you'll learn to hate seeing this room. Training session will take place in this room where we'll learn about your true red flags. Nothing will be off the table unless I hate it.
The White Room
While this room is called the white room even though it isn't completely all white the bottom half of the room is black. This is the isolation room. I've converted an old room for this so the closet is locked as it's use for storage so when you're in there you are not allowed to try get there unless you want additional punishment. The time you spend in that room will depend on your crime. There's no luxury in that room so it'll be a serious issue if I have to send you there.

"K, I'm done" I said as started passing the packet back. "Thanks," she said accepting the packet, "Nothing in this house is going to be a free handout everything is going to be earned. With that being said I'm not going to be ruthless Dom. So basic things like some food and water will be available always as long as you are trying to be a good boy. I'll never harm or want to harm you for a punishment so expect you to behave so that I don't have to use extreme punishments" My mind started to wander as she spoke make it hard for me to sit still and behave. Subconsciously My hand started wandering lower and lower. "We'll now go over......." ,She continue stopping as she noticed me, "Excuse Me, What do you think you're doing?"

The change in her voice definitely snapped me back to reality, making me realize that I was just going to give myself pleasure. She definitely didn't wait for an answer to grab something from her desk and walk over to me. "I think we both know that you were about to play with yourself which is definitely against my rules" she said as caught both of my arms pulling them behind the chair I was sitting on.
A.N.: This Chapter will definitely get finished but it out for feedback and as a preview for new readers. So enjoy what is already written.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2023 ⏰

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