Derek Hale x Scott McCall - Part 1

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Scott POV
Me Stiles , Malia , Cora , Rover , Lydia , Jackson , Ethan , Aden , Kira , Isaac , Boyd , Erica and Allison were heading to history because we all wanted to see what the world was like back in the day. We new there was a new teacher but like normal Theo and Liam were snogging in the corridors did what I always do.

'CAN YOU TWO GET A ROOM.' I yelled at them over the crowd.

Me and the group start laughing are ass off but off like normal me and Theo get in to a fight the teacher were two scared to deal with us because they now how strong we both are till the new teacher. Pulled us apart it was Derek Hale my Boyfriend. He pushed Theo in to his classroom then pulled me in. The rest of the packs folded in after us.

'What the hell was that Scott and Theo?' He glared at us.

The rest of the pack new that me and Derek were a couple. And they new I was scared to lose him. But I would never say the wrong thing so I told the truth. I new he would be mad at me.

'I said to Theo and Liam "get a room" because they would not stop putting the tongues down each other throats.' I looked at the group I did not look him in the eyes at all.

'Why the hell would you do that Scott we are in school grow up.' He said in a annoyed tone.

I just stayed quiet for the rest of the convocation. I then the young ones left for there classes. I sat in the back with Stiles. I did not want to see him mad at me so I stayed quiet for the whole lesson. When the bell rung we all went to are next class. I ignored Derek trying to talk to me. I felt like I didn't deserve him at all.

Time skip to Lunchtime

I had been trying to keep my distance from Derek at the moment even if it was his first day on the job. I was two scared he hated me now after my stunt this morning. I was hiding in the bathroom to keep away from him. I was crying I called my mom asking if I could go home because I felt uncomfortable in school but she said no. So as I was walking around school a student walked up to me and said I had to go to Mr Hales class now. I was scared he was going to yell at me. I walked in I do not want to speak to him just in case I did do something wrong. He pulled up a chair in front of him.

'Baby take a seat.' He sounded a bit nervous about this.

I sat done all sacredly I new he was mad at me still. He put his hands on my shoulder to make sure I didn't move. I looked down at the ground to not make eye contact with him just in case he was mad.

'Baby please look at me. You know how I feel when you don't look at me. You have not talked to me all day.' He sounded very upset about me not looking him dead in the eyes.

So I looked up to meet his alpha eyes he was very angry about me ignoring him all day. I was now scared i messed up are relationships. But in stead of him being mad I could smell he was really not happy with me at all I was scared to talk. This was not going to bee good at all.

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