Female five (umbrella academy) x handler son male reader pt 2

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I'm back now on to the story
(Present time-original time line)
M/n pov
As I opened my eyes I saw that I was back in time but I didn't know where or when are when but something felt weird I looked into a puddle and saw I was in my 17 year old body I saw that five messed up she was supposed to make us older but better than being 58 I saw a man about to throw away a newspaper
M/n"excuse me sir can I have that paper?"
Man"knock yourself out kid" he handed the paper and walk off. I looked at the date January 19 2019 in New York and umbrella academy town. So 3 months before the apocalypse I don't see five anywhere so i guess she'll come later. I saw that vanya concert is today which is good because if five comes back she can lead me to her and the rest.
I finally made it to the concert hall and saw them play which was pretty I have to find a way for her to trust me but don't sound to crazy would you believe a 17 year old that came from the future with her supposed dead sister.
I saw on a wall that she have a sheet for violin lessons I came up with a plan I followed her home and knocked on her door.
Vanya"yes who are you"
M/n" I was wondering could I start violin lessons 3 times a week I can pay in enhance"
I quickly made about a thousand dollars in my hands having powers like these sure come in handy
Vanya" oh wow nobody really takes my lessons but I love to come in"
She opened the door for me and ask me to have a seat
Vanya" so tell me about yourself why you want lessons"
M/n" I want lessons because it reminds me of a simpler time in my life with my family like watching my mom pour her heart and soul in each note"
It was a true story my mom loved it
Vanya" that sounds wonderful to feel at home with a instrument is why a lot start playing I know I did to feel like something in my life can be home" I saw she had a sad smile I feel bad being ignored all her life
I rented a apartment a block from hers and I start to practice with her for a month and she seem more happy and i feel the same,shes like a sister to me I go to her concerts every time and show her support . I listen to her talk about her problems and I share some of mine to.
M/n" I'm ready for my next lesson oh great one" I bowed down
Vanya" hehe it great to see you as well noble pupil today I want to play your own original song and remember to deeply feel the emotions"
M/n" okay I got it play from my emotions huh" I whispered to myself

(Just the violin)
I can't help but think about my parents and felt a swirl of emotions sadness, regret from not telling them how much I love them, happiness for the memories we shared, fear of never seeing five again, and anger to myself if I wasn't so weak I could of stayed with them and not be taken by my bitch of a mother I don't even call her that more like the creator of the monster I have became
I was so deep in the music I didn't notice my eyes glowing and everything was flying around in case as the same color of my eyes
Vanya" m/n m/n M/N"
I final realize what I was doing and put everything in place safety
I see vanya stunned and finally she said something
Vanya: woah oh wow you got powers I don't even know what to say!"
M/n"(nervous laugh) yep sorry you found out this way I was planning on telling you"
Vanya" so why didn't you tell me sooner?
M/n" because I didn't want to make you feel weird plus I kinda don't show them in front of people because of my past"
I put my head down and a frown on my face
Vanya" I'm so sorry I guess because of powers we both kinda got screwed over"
She had a smile on her face and looked up and hugged her and she hugged back
M/n" I guess so"
After that we became closer and started to practicing my powers and body more to push them past their limit for the apocalypse.
Finally the day came where Reginald died it was all over the news and paper I knew that five would most likely turn up there
I had to cheer vanya up she was kinda conflicted but still sad even though that guy was a dick I encourage her to go to the funeral she asked me to go as a emotional support I would of went any way
I met everyone and vanya kinda got the cold shoulder but still introduced me as her younger adopted brother ( even though I'm older/ the same age as her)
Luther was suspicious but didn't say much I really like Klaus I even made a us some weed better than going to a stranger funeral
We saw a blue light and they start to freak out I saw five body transform into a 17 year old version
She fell on the ground and looked at her body
Klaus" do anyone else see a mini five" five looked at herself
Five" oh shit"
As every else was dumbfounded we went into the kitchen
Five pov
I saw everyone looking at me asking me dumbass questions as I was making a sandwich for m/n and I
Five" so what the exact date"
Vanya" 28th"
I was annoyed and raised a eyebrow
Five" of what"
M/n" March"
I was now sitting explaining how I was from the future and so was m/n they all looked surprised especially vanya I have to ask about that later
We had the funeral and Diego and Luther had to have a pissing contest I saw Klaus and m/n laughing at them a small smile came to my face watching him when I was done I saw vanya talking to m/n
I teleport behind him
Five" m/n come on I need to discuss something with you upstairs"
Vanya" Oh okay I will see tomorrow bye"
I walked upstairs to my old room and looked at m/n
Five" so how long have you been here and why are you so close to vanya isn't she a bit young for you"
I can't but feel a little weird about the second question
M/n" about 3 months and why you jealous I been talking with her since I got here"
Five"oh course not and hurry up and change so we can look for clues here so old clothes"
I have already put on my old uniform it was the only thing in my size i saw m/n take his shirt and wow his body is even more tighter and lean now look at his abs I saw m/n look at me
M/n" are you waiting for me to give you a strip tease or are you going to give me so privacy"
Five" I wasn't looking I was just making sure your clothes fit okay!"
M/n" oh wow five I didn't know you were such a pervert I guess it natural for you with puberty but keep it in your pants five~"
I see him shut the door on me and I felt my whole face go red I was just checking to see if the clothes fit but he really did look hot when he strip off his clothes like that wait no maybe he's right this stupid teenage body turning me in a pervert

I don't own any song picture or character

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