Fem danny phantom x vlad son male reader

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Looks like I'm not dead just so done with school and teachers but anyway this story might be into a real story or someone can make something like it (character description M/n is vlad's son his mother is a scientist that married and than divorced his father he was born with half ghost powers and trained by his dad think of dr. doofenshmirtz and Vanessa relationship vlad loves his son but is evil and m/n knows about his dad being evil but he don't care as long it don't go to far he looks like this

But his hair in human is white with black streaks and ghost form black with white steak with red eyes and have piercings two on both ears danny is Dani)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~M/n povI just came back from my mom's s house to my dad'sM/n: da...

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But his hair in human is white with black streaks and ghost form black with white steak with red eyes and have piercings two on both ears danny is Dani)
M/n pov
I just came back from my mom's s house to my dad's
M/n: dad I'm back (looks around) dad, probably in the lab.

I walk down to the lab and see my dad working on a plan
Vlad: oh son your just in time for my genius plan to finally get my revenge

I watched as he evilly smirks

M/n: on who the Green Bay?

Vlad: ughh don't get me started those bastards wouldn't know what to do with the packers in time and I would lead them to-
M/n: dad ,the plan,revenge, hello

Vlad: oh right remember the blubbering idiot that caused me the chance of a normal life and dream!

M/n: you might of mentioned it a couple *hundred* times so the plan is just lead him hear and kill him for ruining your life
Vlad: well yes and no I got bigger plans than that but I do have 3 things to thank him for my money, power, and of course you

M/n: thanks dad
Vlad: now hurry a long they will be here any minute and just finishing up my plans
I went downstairs I hear a car and my dad comes back we walk outside the door
Vlad: welcome Fenton family please come in
Jack: vlady my ma-
Jack was cut off by the door slamming in his face
Vlad: this is my son m/n he's going to show you around
Jazz:hello I have a question what's with all the green and gold
Dani: jazz hello football helmets jerseys and cheese he's a packers super fan
Jazz:if you have all that money why not just buy the team
I faced palm here we go again
Vlad" BECAUSE THE TEAM IS OWNED BY GREEN BAY AND WON'T SELL TO ME *cough* one of two things my wealth haven't gotten me yet~
While looking at mrs. Fenton
Maddie:(nervously) I better let jack in
I scrunched my eyebrows
M/n: gross
Dani:(whisper) is he flirting with mom
Jazz:(whisper) as long as mom say no and it got hot water I don't care
I was a bit distracted and saw mr Fenton tackle my dad and he snap
Maddie: I think we better leave
Vlad: no I hate to see you leave so soon (whisper) but I love to watch you walk away~
Maddie: what
Vlad: I said why don't you all stay m/n can you show them their rooms
M/n: yes anything not to watch this anymore this way
I start walking them down the hallway showing them stuff i than lead the Pareto their room, jazz to the library, and was going to Dani room
Dani: so your m/n right
M/n: yeah and you are?
Dani: im Danielle but call me Dani so what's it like to have vlad master as a dad
M/n: (shrug) not to bad my parents divorced my mom is a scientist and I am home schooled so kinda boring but in the house plenty to do so what's it like to have ghost buster parents?
Dani: horrible having parents that wear jumpsuits and all they do is talk about ghost and build machines that never directly caught one
M/n: (laughing) oh wow that sounds horrible I bet I can beat it though one time my dad travel all around the world looking for a piece of cheese
Dani: ( laughing) geez but try having your parents come to your school looking for ghost and embarrassing you
M/n: okay you beat me but how do your parents make money if they never caught a ghost
Dani: no idea maybe by selling their inventions to other crazy people
Dani and I start talking about different things like her school and ghost at school
M/n: your school so exciting
Dani: if you call messing up your day exciting at least their this cool super hero to help out
M/n: oh really have you met this ghost girl you seem like you personally know her
Dani( nervous): what Um no I mean I she save us at school I know her but don't know know her you know( nervous laugh)
M/n: ( amused) you seem to be the awkward type no need to be embarrassed I find her cool to it was nice hanging out but here's your room
We stopped near a door since it was getting late
After that I was off to bed but heard a lot of noise and followed it to see my dad and ghost girl fighting and her retransform to see Dani
M/n: dad what's going on
Vlad: it seem the resident hero is Jack's daughter a little change in plans
M/n( worried): dad I know you hate Dani dad but please don't go over board with your revenge
Vlad: don't worry son nothing to bad I promise now off to bed I might be a villain but still a father
M/n: ok good night dad
Dani pov
I was at the reunion after the crazy dream I had
Jack" hey harri
I saw a lady spit out food and looked like she was already annoyed
Harri : oh god I know that voice anywhere
Harri: oh hey Maddie and (annoyed) jack
Jack: this is Harriet chin a big reporter but I use to know her as Harri chin get it
Maddie:(whisper) I'm so sorry
Harriet:(whisper) how you manage to love him and have kids I feel sorry for you and your body
Jack: this is my song let's pogo
Dani: okay I'm out
I was sitting down and saw mr masters walk up to me
Vlad: well your looking much better I was wondering Danielle can you do me a favor and go to my lab for a present for your father
Dani: sure mr masters but call me Dani also where m/n I haven't seen him
Vlad: oh don't worry about him he's coming
I walked towards the lab
Third person
Vlad: oh Maddie I missed my youthful chance to be with you but I will get it back
Dani pov
I got to the lab and didn't see a present but a picture with a piece ripped off and it match the one I had
Dani: oh no
My breath came out
And octo ghost came than skulker came trapped me and had to transform back
Dani: skulker! How did you get out and your skeleton back.
Skulker: all good questions to bad you won't stay long enough to hear them
He took out a sword
Dani: (scared) that's um new
Vlad: enough I don't want you to kill the girl
Skulker: I have to go get another book again!
He flew off
Dani: octo ghost and skulker I'm confused
Vlad: of course your what 14 full of hormones and naviety about the world I sent those ghost to test your father but color me surprised to find you the third ghost hybrid
Dani: third?
Vlad: yes indirectly since he made me and I made the other
He transformed to the evil ghost from what I thought was a dream
Dani: you! I'm going ghost
I tried but couldn't go back
Vlad: a battle cry how cute I have this box that nullify ghost powers your just human as your idiot father
Dani: let me out
Vlad: why so you can go around wasting your power join me and get rid of your idiot father
Dani: your super crazy like I'll actually do that
Vlad: suite yourself but you might have a change of mind later
He teleported away I start to struggle
M/n(reaper): looks like your in trouble
I see a ghost and got worried
Dani: oh great another ghost what are you going to do strangle me, torture me-
He used his ghost power beam I flinched but he opened the box
Dani: free me? Thanks but why did you help
M/n(reaper): names m/n reaper and let's just say a favor between half breeds
Dani: half breeds?
He detransformed to m/n
Dani: m/n! But your dad was the one to trap me
M/n: i know and I'm sorry I love my dad but he needs to learn you can't destroy the world by people saying no
Dani: so will you help me
M/n: I'll help you save the people but not hurt my dad so let's go
I followed him out and saw vlad plasmius in my dad body
I tackled him out as m/n got the people to safety
Harri: wow so Maddie did you know your husband a ghost that hurt his superior peers with better fashion
Maddie: what the jumpsuit is cool
Harri: ...right
Maddie: come on let's go to the rv
I saw started to fight with vlad
Vlad: come on child join me just think vlad plasmius, m/n reaper, and Dani phantom I can train you and we can rule the world
Dani: let me think hell no I never get how a crazy weirdo can be related to someone as nice and funny as m/n
Vlad: suite your child but I will get my revenge
He start to laugh and teleport away
Dani: I need to find away to stop him
M/n came in though the wall
M/n: snap out of it your mom and dad are indanger I got a plan
We went back to to the wrecked room and saw vlad carrying my mom
M/n: I got this
He went invisible and inside the rv
M/n: come on stupid stick got it
Harri: wow what a scoop
M/n tried random buttons to see which one till he got to the lasers and became visible
M/n: this one ,no how about this one I got it
M/n fired out different rays till he got one and vlad had to drop my mom
Harri: that was amazing what's your name ghost boy
M/n: call me m/n reaper
I quickly went in my dad body to catch my mom
Dani*jack body*: I got you mom I mean Maddie
Maddie: that was amazing jack
I ran over to pick up vlad
Dani* jack body*: hey v man
Vlad:(mocking)oh please your in jack's body can you even see your waist it's overweight sweaty clumsy I'm so scared
Dani*jack body*: your right but I'll walk out exposing the both of us
Vlad: your bluffing
Dani*jack body*: my parents will accept me but you my mom will never see you again and m/n will probably won't either if you kill a bunch of innocent people than you'll be all alone
Vlad: oh please Like you know anything about my son
He was about to use his powers on me
M/n :(angry) dad stop you can't
Vlad:(worried) m-m/n I was just um
M/n: (angry) dad you promised (turn sad) can you do it for me
Vlad look at me than back at his son
Vlad: but but fine your lucky this time Fenton but my son won't save you next time
M/n went back to his normal form as his dad was putting on a act
Vlad: curse you I am being vanquish but we will meet again (angry look) Fentons
And he teleport away in green dust
Harri: that was amazing I got a new scoop on a new superhero and ghost villain
We were about to leave but I went to find m/n
Dani: so um evil half ghost dad
M/n turned around and smirked
M/n: right back at you mrs superhero that my dad hates her father and loves her mother
We both laugh
Dani: I guess we both have some um weird quirks
M/n: yeah but I had fun even though it was mostly stopping my dad I hope we can have a normal not dangerous meeting next time I just want tell my dad
I was happy about this he still wants to hang out with me
Dani(happy): YES I mean thats cool if I free at the time I have a very busy schedule you know
Oh god I'm embarrassing myself again he started to laugh
M/n: I'm sure mrs phantom here call me if you need to talk or back up
He wrote down his number and gave it to me our hands touch and blush
Dani: y-yeah thanks
M/n: I better go before my dad freaks out
He wave me off as I got in the rv as we drove off I smiled
Jazz:(teasing) aww little sis seem like you got a little crush
Dani(embarrassed): no I just find him fun to be around and cute I m-mean cool
Jazz: yeah sure don't worry I have a feeling we will see and his dad again
Dani: yeah me to

The end for now
I don't own anything not Danny phantom or pictures

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