Yandere fem finn(fionna) x  alternate dimension male reader

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Wow This book is still here hope y'all didn't wait to long for a update I had a great thought inspired by the new show on hbo max Fionna and cake

M/n is a 16 year old human adventurer and that traveled around Ooo and till he met Finn and Jake he started living with them and they became his new family they even made him black cat hat
3rd pov
At the tree house
We see two boys playing video games on a adorable robot
M/n" oh dude Give up you'll never beat my score"
Finn" in your dreams I been mastering the secret moves of combos for this very moment"
Bmo" you can do it Finn your so close"
Finn" almost there just one more boss and-"
Jake ran in knocking the console out Finn hands
Jake" guys guys y'all never guess what happened"
Finn falls on the floor
Finn" noo Jake why I was so close now I'm gonna start all over"
M/n" see you can't beat my high score"
Jake" sorry finn but no time for games princess bubblegum called me with some serious bizzy"
Finn" really we got to get over there quick"
M/n" aww finn your just using this as an excuse to see your princess~"
Finn crossed his arms and looked away
Finn" pssh no I'm not I just worried about candy and junk"
Jake" yeah right I bet in your head you want to go over there and save her than she be like "oh finn your so strong and handsome let's have 100 babies""
M/n and Jake run out laughing with an embarrassed finn after them
At the candy kingdom we she pb in her laugh with cinnamon bun
Finn" princess are you okay we came as soon as we heard do you need help we would do anything"
M/n" cough*simp*cough
Pb looks up from her chemicals
Pb" wrong wrong everything is great finn better than great I'm this close to cracking  dimension travel"
Jake" wow really how does it work"
Pb" it's kinda like a apple splitting open and the seeds all grow from it turn it different things to different out comes it's bananas trying to explain"
Cinnamon bun" hey princess I brought over the chemicals you need"
Dumbing them all into one pot Pb eyes widen
Pb" no you fool that will kill us all"
To late a black hole opened up sucking up everything in its way
M/n" ahh turn it off"
Pb" I can't the serum is to unstable to even get near it"
M/n hands start to slip and fall into the portal
Till everything went black
In the land of Aaa
M/n pov
Ughh my head
???" Howly cow a dead body lets poke it"
??" No cake I think he still alive"
I open my eyes to see a girl with blonde hair bunny ears and a blue outfit and a talking cat they both look strangely familiar

🦋🐝🦋🐝🦋🐝🦋🐝🦋🐝🦋🐝🦋🐝🦋 Summary*M/n is a 16 year old human adventurer and that traveled around Ooo and till he met Finn and Jake he started living with them and they became his new family they even made him black cat hat 3rd povAt the tree ...

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Wait talking cat and a girl that look a female Finn wasn't this a story in ice king kept talking about
M/n(whisper)"oh man I must really mess up my head I'm seeing imaginary characters"
I gave her a weird look and stood up
M/n" thanks but I'm not deaf my name is m/n l/n adventurer but where am I"
Cake" this Aaa you been living under a rock mr tough guy"
M/n" Aaa?! Oh my glob I went to a different dimension"
Cake" fionna stand prepared we got a crazy O"
M/n" I can prove it you two live in a tree house right I was with your other selfs when a giant portal opened up in the candy kingdom"
Fionna" wait cake I think he's telling the truth let's take him to prince gumball"
Most be genderbent princess bubblegum
At the candy kingdom
I was hooked up to different machines and vitals was taken with a screen showing
Prince gumball" oh wow this other worldly I never seen molecules in such a disorder before"
Cake" can you stop the smart talk and tell us straight up"
FIonna" yeah all I heard was blah blah molecules"
Pg" well in other words on the chart you see this world a straight line than you got your friend here that's parallel to this one but cells that don't match up how did this happen?"
M/n" like I said before I was with your alter self she was making a solution to study different dimensions cinnamon bun came in and poured all chemicals in one I heard her saying something about it being unstable"
Pg" hmm I Been working on something similar but not as far ahead it'll take a while to find the right chemicals and even select the right dimensions when I do"
M/n(sad)" so I can't go home"
Fionna" cheer up dude you can bunk with us till you  go home and tell us stories about our other selves"
Cake" yeah sugar don't worry"
At the tree house
Fionna" so this our home and junk"
Bmo" aww a new friend new friend bmo so happy"
A little robot came in and started to run in a circle around me so cute I picked him up
M/n" your adorable little dude I'm glad you didn't change"
Bmo" yes I'm the cutest!"
I set him back down and look at the others
FIonna" so m/n tell us more about yourself"
M/n" Im a 16 year old human and was by myself traveling till I met Finn and Jake and they made me this awesome cat hat since they my favorite animal and black my favorite color"
I took off hat and revealed my h/c hair
fionna eyes widened and blushed
Fionna" no way dude your a human me too I never saw another for the longest time I thought I was alone"
M/n" yeah I get depressed thinking about it but being around my friends make it better"
Fionna" yeah I feel the same no one I know can relate we are like the same"
She seem a little sad I felt bad so I did a thing when Finn was said I raised my hand
M/n" hey but team human"
She smiled and high fived me
Fionna" yeah team human all day"

Anime,shows,cartoons,and (mostly yandere) female one shots x male reader Where stories live. Discover now