Chapter 20.

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Shivering by the curb, I clawed at my jacket to try and grasp any warmth I could as I trundled out of college to go to work. December had sprung up out of no where and the signs of winter were evident all around me; freezing weather, people wrapped up in layers and layers of scarves, hats and gloves and the ever growing presence of Christmas. My recent insomnia had done nothing for the dark circles lurking underneath my faded green eyes and my hair had been hard to tackle after the constant tossing and turning throughout the night. I let out an impatient sigh, watching with mild interest as my breath escaped in a white cloud. A light frosting of ice lay over the floor and had been the cause of many clumsy slips and slides I had been prone to over the course of the day.

I fidgeted on the spot, willing the car to emerge from the distance as I stared down the road.

The image of the expression Zach had the day before kept shooting into my mind.

His emotionless eyes haunted my mind.

He just looked so vulnerable-

I screamed as my head was suddenly snapped backwards by the force of my hair being dragged down. Helpless from the shock, I kicked my legs as I was yanked into an alleyway. A hand slapped over my mouth, cutting off my shrieks as I was crushed against the cold wall, my forehead cracking against the bricks.

"You little bitch. I can't risk having you around anymore." his sickly voice spat.

Fear shredded through me. Gripping my scalp, he pulled me back painfully and his blue eyes gleamed with insanity as his chapped lips cracked into a insane grin.

"What? Did you think I was going to let you go along with your pitiful little life?" he jeered, his greasy black hair sticking to his sweaty forehead.

He is a complete psycho.

A sudden fist drove into my stomach caused me collapse forward, my face scraping against the wall as I fell. I landed on to my back, my spine slamming against the concrete. Shots of pain sliced through my back from the sudden blow and I wailed in agony. My only defence was to curl into the fetal position as I watched helplessly when Josh hooked his boot into my ribs. All I could hear was each hit. Each crack and each...laugh. He was laughing. The sick creep was enjoying it.

The pain slowly escalated, building and building with every kick until I was in excruciating agony. I could feel my conscious beginning to drift away from me and my vision began to blur.

Oh God. He's going to kill me. I'm going to die.

I was defenceless as I lay on the freezing ground.

Then the laughter abruptly stopped and a loud grunt followed.

Trying to sit myself up, I managed to distribute my weight on my elbow as I stared up at the broad figure standing over Josh who was now crumpled on the floor attempting to crawl away.

I knew it was Zach immediately - his umber hair had fallen in a mess over his face, his jaw clenched in fury and his eyes murderously dark. He bent down and swiftly grabbed his shirt with one hand, slamming him into the wall before punching him repeatedly. I could hear the hard connection of his knuckles cracking across his face and it made me wince even though I held no sympathy for the sick creep.

"I'm going to fucking kill you!" he roared as he struck him once more before rising to kick him continually until Josh began to spit blood on to the icy floor.

His hard ebony eyes were full of pure rage. I tried to speak but the air in my lungs was caught and I could only suck in short quick breaths but I knew I had to stop him before he actually committed murder. After a hard effort, I managed to speak.

"Zach." I cried as loud as I could, but my voice was a mere whisper, barely audible amongst the thumps of his kicks.

Nevertheless, he still heard me.

He came to a sudden halt, inhaling and exhaling slowly to calm himself down. Reaching down and clamping his hand down on the creep by his throat, he squeezed tightly as he leaned threateningly close.

"If you touch, look at, or even breathe in the same room as my woman again, I will kill you." he growled murderously before landing the final blow and knocking him out cold.

His head then whipped towards me, his chocolate eyes softening as he rushed over. Kneeling on the floor, he lifted me up gently like I was a china doll, as if I were to break at any moment, slipping his arms under my legs and my back. Instantly comforted by his familiar scent, I leaned into his warm chest and let my eyes close. As I let the drowsiness absorb me, I felt him kiss my forehead tenderly.

"Lou." he whispered, his tone low and broken. "I'm so sorry."


Hello you epic reader!

Sorry for making you wait, I know some of you are desperate to find out what was going to happen next so I know it's a bit short but I wanted to update. Hope I didn't disappoint!

Leave your lovely comments and votes they really do make my day. ^-^

Thanks so much for reading!


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