Chapter 8.

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"I'm so glad it's Friday!" Noah sighed happily, stretching his arms up and yawning dramatically.

"Me too." I smiled contentedly as we strode down the corridor. "At least I've got a weekend free from doing stupid jobs for he-who-shall-not-be-named."

He cocked an eyebrow at me, his steel grey eyes shimmering with amusement as he struggled to stifle a laugh.

"Did you seriously just compare Zach to Voldemort?"

"Don't say his name!" I hissed.

"Who's name? Voldemort's or Z-" he began but my hand clamped over his mouth.

"What did I just sa-AH!" I tore my hand away from his mouth as I recoiled in disgust. Noah smirked at me knowingly.

"You licked me!" I exclaimed, stabbing a finger in the air at him accusingly.

He clapped his hands slowly, "Someone's sharp this evening." he grinned. I shot him a sour look.

"Not funny." I retorted dryly, wiping my hand on his shirt.

"Come on Louie Lou, let's go." he chuckled as he draped his arm over my shoulders.

"Go where?" I arched a brow.

"We can go to the coffee shop around the corner, it has the best chocolate fudge cake in the world." he informed me excitedly.

A broad smile widened across my face at the mention of cake but it quickly morphed into a frown when I realised I'd left my phone in Zach's office. Stopping just at the end of the corridor to the main reception area, I turned to Noah with a sheepish grin.

"My phone is in Zach's office." I explained. "I'll just go get it."

"I'll wait here then." he told me with a smile.

"Okay, I won't be long." I assured him as I hurried to the elevator, my heels clicking behind me along the marble floor.

* * *

After waiting what seemed like an eternity for the elevator to reach the second floor, I heard the satisfying ping as the doors opened and I quickly made my way towards Zach's office. My heels were still digging into my ankles and I walked a little slower, hoping to dull the stinging sensation biting at my feet - no such luck.

Sucking in a sharp breath, I tried to ignore the pain as I reached for the door before knocking softly on the wood. I heard a low grunt of permission for me to enter so I walked inside to see Zach sat at his desk with his phone pressed against his ear and he seemed in deep conversation. His deep baritone echoed around the room so it was hard not to hear what he was saying.

"I'm pretty busy tomorrow." he paused and rubbed his jaw with his free hand. "I know- yeah, right."

Not wanting to eavesdrop on his conversation, I scurried over to the desk to grab my phone. Without warning my heel suddenly twisted and I cried out in pain as I fell forward and I heard a small crack as my full body weight attempted to regain balance on one heel, causing my ankle to buckle inwards painfully. I hit the floor hard and clutched at my ankle now throbbing in agony.

"Lou?! Shit-we'll do this later, bye." I heard Zach curse before dropping the phone and rushing towards me. He leaned down and his hand reached out to touch my ankle, his brows lowered into a serious expression.

"Stay still." he ordered.

As soon as his hand brushed my skin I hissed in pain.

"That hurts!" I snapped, slapping his hand away.

Kneeling on the floor, he sighed and I saw his gaze soften. He cleared his throat awkwardly and pressed his lips together for a moment. I watched him as he ran a hand through his hair, dishevelling it a little before he looked at me and even though I was in pain I couldn't help but admire the way his hair fell into a naturally tousled style. This man was too good looking for his own good.

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