Chapter 2.

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(NOTE: Before you read on, some people have been confused because Lou is in college, yet she is only sixteen. Since 'Work For Me' is set in England, people leave secondary school/high school when they are sixteen and go to college for two years, before then going on to university. Therefore it is the usual for a sixteen year old to attend college at sixteen.)

Hope this cleared this issue up.

Enjoy the chapter!


"You're kidding, right?" I raised an eyebrow.

His facial expression returned to solid stone as he replied, "No."

"But I'm sixteen!" I exclaimed, horrified by the idea of having to work for someone who hates my guts. "I need to go to college!"

"It doesn't have to be full time. You can just work whenever you're free." He reasoned, now stood with his arms crossed as he stared at me.

"You really are serious about this, aren't you?" I said plainly.

His eyebrows lowered in irritation, "Of course I'm serious! You damaged my car as well as nearly getting me for manslaughter!" he snapped.

I suddenly clicked on - I didn't even know his name yet.

I flipped off his last comment, "How am I supposed to work for someone if I don't even know their name?"

"Zachary Caldwell." he introduced himself brusquely, holding his hand out. I put my hand in his hesitantly.

The warmth from his hand seeped into mine and I froze, losing myself completely as he held me there in a soft but firm grip, his dark eyes plunging into mine. We were stood in silence for a few minutes, our hands still firmly locked together, before he raised an eyebrow and the ghost of a grin swept across his lips, nearly making me faint.

"And you're Lou, right?" his deep voice washed over me like a warm wave.

He knew my name?

As if reading my mind he rolled his eyes, "I had a right to know who damaged my car so I found out when you got to the hospital." he responded abruptly as he tore his hand away from mine, shoving his hand back into his pocket. I tried to hide my disappointment.


The door suddenly opened and my Mum and Alyssa stepped in, holding coffee. My Mum frowned when she saw me on my feet.

"Lou! What are you doing up? You need to rest!" she scolded, but instantly froze when she saw Zach.

"Oh! Hello! And you are?" she asked politely.

"Zach Caldwell." he said as he shook her hand. "I'm sorry for my involvement in the accident."

Her eyes widened, "You're the one who was in the car?"

"Unfortunately, yes." he told her with an apologetic look.

His voice was so deep and smooth like velvet...

I nearly choked on my own air when I realised what I was thinking. He's an arrogant prick. Arrogant prick. Arrogant prick. Arrogant prick. Arrogant pri-


I was suddenly jerked back to reality to see my Mum looking at me expectantly.

"As I was saying - I think it's a great idea for you to work for Mr Caldwell for a few months. It'll help pay off the damage as well as being a perk on your CV for when you get another job." she explained happily, obviously under the impression this was a great opportunity.

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