Chapter 6.

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Hours later I was still in his office, doing numerous pathetic jobs such as polishing his desk or dusting the chairs and of course, bringing him coffee. He sat in his big leather chair like he was almighty with a wicked grin on his shamefully handsome face. It was so unfair - he was good looking but had a horrible personality. I was in the middle of stacking some papers on his desk when he spoke:

"Make me some coffee." he ordered simply and I pressed my lips together in frustration to stop myself from throttling him as I turned on my heel.

"I won't be long!" I said cheerfully in a sickly sweet tone, giving him an equally as fake smile. He smirked, raising an eyebrow at my sudden enthusiasm. I didn't give him the satisfaction to voice his thoughts into a sarcastic comment since by the time he'd opened his mouth I was already out of the door.

Sighing, I stretched my arms into the air and headed towards the kitchen. Melinda gave me a reassuring grin and a frantic little wave of which I returned with a polite smile. He was giving me hell and I was the one who got ran over! I huffed to myself as I grabbed the coffee tin, turning on the kettle as I did so. I twisted the lid and my irritation increased when I realised I could see the bottom of the empty container.

"Great. We're out of coffee." I grumbled.

"So it may seem." a voice chuckled behind me. I spun around defensively, my spoon in hand to be met with a familiar pair of stormy grey eyes.

"NOAH!" I cried, practically jumping on him, earning me a disapproving look from the woman who had entered the kitchen for a napkin. He stumbled back a little with a laugh before looking down at me.

"Hello, Louie Lou." he teased and I scowled at him. "How's work?"

I groaned at the very mention of the word, "It's horrible." I sighed.

"So he's really giving you a hard time, huh?" he said giving me a sympathetic look.

"Yeah." I sighed, "He keeps making me do these really crap jobs, like polishing."

"Ouch. That's degrading." he chuckled.

"You're telling me." I huffed.

"Sorry I can't hang out with you most of the day, I thought he'd be a little less strict, you know?" he apologised, but I just rolled my eyes.

"It's okay, I'll survive; he's not that scary." I shrugged, unsure of if I was really trying to convince Noah, or me.

"Right- well, we're out of coffee and I'm craving it so, Miss Whitlock, would you care to accompany me to the shop around the corner to purchase some of this fine beverage?" Noah questioned in a fake posh accent as he held his arm out to me so I could link it.

"Of course." I smiled, weaving my arm in his and we strode out of the office.

I felt a blush coming on when I linked his firm arm through the building and I looked up at the handsome blonde beside me. I stared at his dusty golden locks falling just below his ears and his warm grey eyes focusing on what was in front of him as he walked, his brows lowering a little.

His skin looked so smooth and his lips were full, both in even proportion with the other, resting just above his sharp jaw. His impressively attractive appearance and the fact I knew he had a lovely personality to match made my heart pound as I gawped intently at him.

"Have I got something on my face?" he asked suddenly, laughing a little, yanking me out of my daydream.

"What? Uh- no..." I mumbled. He smirked, his dimples on full display.

"So you were just checking me out." he winked and my cheeks burned with embarrassment.

"No!" I squeaked too quickly, making it extremely obvious. I sighed at my idiocy.

"Whatever you say, Lou." he said, a small grin playing on his lips as we walked out of the building.

Thankfully, since my heels were absolutely killing me, the shop was quite close to the office and we only had to go around the corner to reach it. The pain, however, was becoming much more noticeable and I was struggling to look normal as I walked - Noah didn't seem to notice, however.

"Are you excited for this Saturday?" he asked as he paid for the coffee, the girl behind the counter giving me a death look.

"Yes and no." I replied as he got his change and we walked out of the shop.

"Okay... why no?" he wondered, concern on his face before he furrowed his brow making him look even more puzzled and adorable. I gave him a sour look and he pressed his lips together for a moment before he spoke.

"It's Josh, isn't it?"

"Yes." I sighed before I continued to complain, "He's just so awful to her and she keeps taking him back. It's ridiculous!"

Noah nudged me a little, giving me a cheeky grin, "Well, at least you have me, your handsome knight in shining armour."

"How could I forget?" I replied dryly, rolling my eyes.

He puffed his chest out proudly, "I shall protect you until the day I die!" he announced.

"Oh, really?" I laughed.

"As long as I'm around, you shall not be harmed!" he continued and I laughed as he pumped his fist into the air with determination.

"Has anyone else actually told you that you're insane?" I questioned.

"All the time." he beamed, wiggling his eyebrows.

"It's nice to know I'm not the only one who thinks so." I chuckled.

We exited the elevator with our newly bought coffee and strode into the kitchen. Noah leaned against the counter with a small smile on his face as he watched me make the coffee. I suddenly felt really self conscious and my cheeks tingled a little as the blood rushed under them.

"Um, how many sugars?" I questioned, risking a look at the dazzling man staring at me.

His lips quirked into a smirk as he replied smugly, "None, I'm sweet enough."

"Of course you are." I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm as I poured the coffee into the cup. Remember - strong but not black and one sugar. I repeated into my head as I prepared Zach's coffee, my brows knitting together as I concentrated on the hot beverage before me. I bit my lower lip as I swirled the coffee around with the spoon, thoroughly mixing it together.

Suddenly I felt a presence behind me and warm breath caressed the back of my neck.

"Lou." Noah whispered into my ear softly, but with a hint of amusement coating his tone."For the record, I was checking you out too."

My heartbeat thumped loudly as his words echoed in my head. I was checking you out too. He checked me out? Is that what he was doing when I was making the coffee? Did he check me out before? Maybe he's just teasing me?

His hands were resting on the counter in front of me, keeping me trapped so I couldn't move anywhere as he leaned closer. "Thanks for the coffee." he smirked just before grabbing his coffee and turning around. I spun to look at him but I was met with a tall intimidating figure looming over me as Noah left the room, shooting me a wink as he left.

"Exactly how long does it take to get coffee?" Zach snapped, his arms folded across his chest as he glowered at me but for some reason I found his stern gaze strangely enticing.



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