6. Forest of Healing

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"I wanted to suggest a ride as today's group activity. All of us would the space outside these restrictive walls and we can get to know each other and the woods surrounding the Moon Castle," Seonghwa proposed after breakfast. He studied his husbands, who sat in their designated seats, instinctively having assumed the same order as last time. Mingi had hidden away in his room while Seonghwa gathered the others, but Seungyoun had been so kind to come and fetch him. His disoriented fork felt over his plate for his food.

"I like that! We will get mad while locked inside here and we don't want to fight each other to get rid of the competition," Yunho grinned with a wink at Wooyoung. The gryphon-born pridefully jostled his wings.

"The only ones driving us mad are you and your dog," he claimed. Petty, he snapped his head away when Buddy came to sit next to him and looked up at Wooyoung with those kind and loyal eyes.

"I would win such a fight," Hongjoong chuckled into his chalice. His free hand hovered near Seonghwa's on the table, and from time to time, his pinky stretched out to skim along the elf's skin. Not pulling away, Seonghwa studied his quieter companions.

Jongho had fallen into his state of dormancy once more. By now, Seonghwa was sure he listened; he just didn't bother to fuel any energy into the resting rock of his body.

Yeosang carded his fingers through his branches, plucking away the wilted brown leaves that spotted into his greens and oranges.

Neither of them looked put off by the suggestion, so Seonghwa got up.

"In that case, let us depart. Seungyoun? The horses and a picnic, please."

The head servant dashed from the room. While Seonghwa sent everyone to bring their coats, he idled with Jongho and Yeosang.

"How do you like the castle, Jongho? Did you notice anything I can improve to make it more liveable to you?"

Grinding stone mimicked the shake of a head.

"Quartz and I go well together. No need to change anything."

Elated by how uncomplicated he was, Seonghwa smiled at him. By Jongho's side, Yeosang looked more than pleased with their common trait. It was good to see him make new friends.

Once everyone had gathered, the group found their way to the stables. Passing through, they seemed more like a habitat for many mystic animals and their living terrains over being a building. Even the horses got vast meadows to be free on. A call summoned them to the elves, not a fence.

"Unfortunately, I can offer you no gryphon to ride," Seonghwa said as they approached the cart and the five mounts awaiting them.

The grin on Wooyoung's face was youthful and sparked with mischief.

"You might consider them once you met one."

Jongho, Wooyoung and Yeosang piled into the cart to stretch out. Two giant mountain sheep with curled horns pulled it, strong in their bodies and adept on the rocky terrain.

Seonghwa's hand slid across the flank of his beloved unicorn. The peaceful animal was always the first to respond to his plea, as adoring of the moon elf as he was of her. Her white fur glistened as if bedazzled by the stars and the alabaster of her horn bowed when she recognised his touch. With one elegant movement, he swung himself onto her bare back and buried his fingers in her mane.

A large black goat also offered itself to the proposal of a ride alongside Seonghwa's husbands. The mighty animal looked impatient, and its hooves scraped around the earth. When Mingi bumped into it, arching, black horns whipped around to him.

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