The Clog

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This actually happened to my cousin when we were 14 - it was a very hot summer day, so she invited me and a whole bunch of friends to her house which had an awesome pool. There was a good 25 people there, including some superfine dudes from school.

Meanwhile, a plumber was also at the house because they were having pipe problems. Eventually, they figured that a branch must have broken through a pipe and they dug a hole nearby to check it out.

Eventually, we hear the plumber say "oh my God..." and everyone looks over. He pulls the branch out and it's covered in tampons. It was a Tampax Pearl Christmas tree. He reached into the pipe and pulled out handfuls and handfuls of dirty tampons. I've never seen so many tampons. He was piling them onto the pavement as a bunch of 15 year olds looked on in horror.

Needless to say, my cousin was mortified. Now that we're in our 20s, we can laugh about it although we've never flushed a tampon again.

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