Home (Again).

396 21 7

*Scott's POV*

We pull up into our driveway and I let out a sigh of relief.

We're home.

Kirstie jumps out of the drivers seat to get our wheelchairs.

Mitch decides to leave his in the car and walk.

I don't get a choice.

Kirstie wheels my chair around to my door.

"I'm gonna lift you. Ready?" She says and puts her forearms under my arms.

"1, 2, 3!" She says and I slide into my chair.

I wince at the soreness in my legs.

"We good?"

"Yeah." I say and start to wheel myself towards the door.

It could take a while to get used to this chair.

Also, we may have to rearrange the apartment a little to accommodate for my chair.

Mitch opens the door for me and Kirstie rolls me into the living room.

I don't say a word as Mitch sets our stuff down in the bedroom.

"Do you wanna sit on the couch?" Kirstie asks.

I press my lips into a thin line and nod.

Mitch walks over to assist Kirstie despite his broken leg and arm.

"1.. 2.. 3!" Mitch counts as they plop me down onto the couch.

I sigh. "Thank you."

"Of course. Do you want me to stay here for a while?"

"Um... no I think we're good." I say and Kirstie kisses my forehead.

"Call me if you need anything. Love you."

"Love you too!" I say as she walks out.

Mitch sits beside me and puts on SpongeBob.

"I can't... Sign autographs or... write." Mitch says.

And I can't walk.

"It's only temporary. We're taking about a month off, anyway." I say.

"Good. We can- we can spend time together."

I kiss him on the nose. "Want to have a Spongebob marathon and eat a lot?"

He nods.

"Okay. I can't reach the remote, though." I say and try to grab it.

Mitch hands it to me. "I'll get food."

I smile at the clear sentence that just came out of his mouth.

I hear popcorn popping in the microwave as I try to figure out how to work the TV.

"Babe?" I call and Mitch takes the remote out of my hands, quickly getting Netflix pulled up.

He smiles and hands me the remote.

"I'm stupid. "

"Yep!" Mitch calls from the kitchen.

I roll my eyes and look for SpongeBob.

I find the full series and choose Mitch's favorite episode.

"Gold star?" He asks and hands me a bowl of popcorn.

"Yep. Your favorite." I say and grab a blanket so that we can snuggle.

I frown when the blanket doesn't cover my feet.

"I'll get socks." Mitch says and goes to his room.

God, I love him.

Mitch puts fuzzy socks on my feet. "Better?"

"Much." I say and kiss him.

He starts the episode and cuddles with me under the blanket.

"Have you... talked t-to Sam?"


"Um... yeah, yeah it's been a little while." I say and mentally curse myself.

"Call her." He says and hands me the phone.

"Yeah, yeah, okay." I say and dial her number.

Mitch goes into the kitchen to do something so I can talk to her alone.

It picks up after one ring.



"Is it really you?"

I hear excitement in her voice. I hope she's not mad.

"Yeah. It's me. I'm sorry I haven't called you, I just-"

"Oh, shut up. I know, you've been busy, I understand. You're on tour."

I gulp. She doesn't know.

"Well, uh, yeah. And um, also I've... Something happened."

"What? Are you okay?" There's panic in her voice.

"Um... there was an accident. Another one. Everyone is fine, just minor injuries, but I... I lost the ability to walk."

I feel tears build up in my eyes.

"Wh- What? You can't... ever?"

"I mean, with therapy, maybe." I say, trying to make light of it.

"Well, that's good, I guess." She says.


There's a moment of silence before she gasps.

"Oh my gosh! I forgot to tell you! I'm home!"

"Sam, that's great! How long have you been out?"

"Around two weeks. I love it." She says and I can almost see her grin through the phone.

"Good. So are you going back to normal school?"

"Maybe. Not sure." She says and sighs.

"Well, you'll figure it out."

"Maybe. It's getting late here. Call you tomorrow?" She says and yawns.

"Sure. Love you!"

"Love you too!"

Mitch comes back and hands me a glass of water.

"Thanks babe."

"Welcome. Ready to watch?"

"Yeah." I say and try to get comfortable.

Mitch lies his head on my shoulder and I eventually hear him snoring.

I smile and kiss his head.

Everything is back to normal.

Until it comes to performing.

Or walking.

Or living life in general.

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