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*Mitch's POV*

I jog in place a little backstage while waiting for Scott.

I'm a little nervous for this show as it's our first European show for this tour.

Scott arrives backstage while frantically trying to get his in ears situated.

"Sorry I fell asleep."

"It's fine." Kevin responds.

"Five minutes." Esther quickly says as she walks past us, probably trying to do some complicated logistical things for the show.

"Let's pray real quick." Kevin says and we get in a circle.

I grab Scott's hand, careful of the wounds from the recent incident.

"Father we come to You tonight in prayer of our show and we just ask that You heal brother Scott here from the pain in his back and help all of us make this a wonderful night. In Your name we pray, amen."

We break apart and make sure that everyone's mics are working and I make sure that Scott is feeling okay.

Are you sure your back is okay?

"Yes, Mitchie, I'm sure."

We get the go ahead to start singing our intro.

Kevin starts the beatbox and the words flow out of my mouth.

As we walk onstage the crowd roars.

"Hey baby even though I hate ya, I wanna love ya."

Scott starts the song and the crowd cheers louder.

I smile and soak it all in.

I have a moment where I just can't believe that this is our life.

We finish the song and I have a big smile on my face.

"How are we doin' tonight?" Scott says.

He sounds a little less enthusiastic than usual.

"Well, I'm Scott and I'm the baritone of the group."

The crowd cheers again.

"This is Avi."

"This is Kevin."

"This is Mitch."

I give a small wave and they scream.

"And this is our lovely lady, Kirstin Taylor Maldonado."

I announce the next song and hear Kevin count.

I look over to see Scott's face in a grimace.

I knew there was something wrong...

*Scott's POV*

Ugh, my back hurts.

I should've kept my brace on.

It's just so ugly.

"You lift my heart up when the rest of me is down."

My voice comes out strained, earning looks from Kirstie and Mitch.

"You, you enchant me even when you're not around."

I feel tears building up in my eyes and look at Mitch, signaling for him to take over my solo.

"If there are boundaries, I will try to knock them down."

Mitch continues my solo and I try to sing backups until the pain becomes too much to handle.

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