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*Scott's POV*

"Scott! Mitch! We're here!"

I groan and sit up.

Kirstie opens the door. "Come get your stuff, sleepyheads."

"We'll be inside in a sec."

I shake Mitch awake.

"We're at the hotel."

He nods and goes to grab my chair.

"I want to use my crutches." I say and grab them.

Be careful.

I slide my arm into the holder and stand up, grabbing onto the handles.

Mitch stands behind me to make sure that I don't fall.

I get to the steps and Mitch helps me down.

I sigh. "That's tiring."

Want to rest?

"I'm good."

I only have to be in this wheelchair for three more months, so I need to practice walking.

I thought today might be a good day to tell everyone.

We get inside and Esther gets our room keys.

Mitch and I get to our room and throw our stuff on the bed.

"So what time is it?"

2 A.M. And we have rehearsal at 10 so we should sleep.

"But I want Starbucks." I whine.

He gives me an "Are you serious?" look.

"Please? We can sneak out."

He sighs. Let's go.

"Yay!" I say and roll towards the door. Mitch gives me a look that says "Be quiet!"

We make sure that everyone is in their rooms and get in the elevator.

I smile and Mitch looks at me.


"We're like two rebellious high schoolers. It's funny."

He smiles back. I love you so much.

"Aw babe." I tease him for his emotional self.

When we get off the elevator there's an Uber waiting outside.

I got an Uber from this app. Mitch says and I nod.

I get myself situated in the cab and head towards Starbucks.

Are we gonna get in trouble?


Okay then. This was your idea.

We get to Starbucks and thank the driver before getting out.

"Good, it's not crowded." I say as Mitch helps me with my chair.

We go inside and I go up to the cashier.

"Two Double Choclatey Chip Fraps please."

I pay and go over to Mitch.

You didn't have to pay for mine.

"Yeah I did. You're too cute to pay."

When I said that an old man gave me a disgusted look.

He's probably a baptist. (No hate on Baptists I am in fact a baptist.)

Mitch yawns.

"Tired already?"

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