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A/N: Before you read: Say goodbye to a character!

Hola I am here at camp in my free time because I'm trying to rest before I have to do tribal wars.

Update: it is now the last night at 12:36 A.M. and we r turning up and singing the whip in our bunk beds and our chaperone is getting mad.

Update: I am now at home and am writing bye.

Update: we were making gay jokes at camp about this rainbow candy and our youth pastors got mad lol bye.


*Mitch's POV*

Did I fall asleep?

I fell asleep.

Is it nighttime?

I check my phone.

It's 7 A.M.

I roll over to see an empty place beside me.

Scott's gone?

I quickly sit up and check for any texts from Scott.

From: Scott: Hey babe :) We have an interview at 8:00 on this morning show thing and then rehearsal. We'll be back later. Love you.

I groan and lean my head against the headboard.

I hate being sick.

What should I do?

I pull out my laptop to find that it's dead.

Go figure.

I roll over on my side and check Twitter.

Wow, this is boring.

I feel like crap.

I see a notification flash at the top of my screen.

Devil Jonathan: Where are you? You have a performance later!

I quickly text him my situation and lay back down.

My phone buzzes again and I look at my screen.

Devil Jonathan: We don't have time to rearrange the show. Get down here.

That's it.

I send him back a VERY angry text with some words that I can't repeat.

If it was Kirstie or Scott, he would let them be sick and stay in bed.

He tells me that he's coming to get me and I groan.

I push myself up in the bed and sit on the edge for a minute, trying to calm my dizziness.

I slide my shoes on my feet and prepare to stand up.

My head is pounding and my stomach is turning.

I stand up and feel a wave of nausea rush through my body.

I pick up the little trash can by my bed and vomit bile into it.

When I finish I lay back on my bed and curl up into a fetal position.

I just want to sleep.

I reach for the bottle of Ibuprofen on my nightstand and take two pills.

I take them dry in fear that I might throw up the water.

I curl up into a ball under the covers and shut my eyes.

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