MSMC Bk 7 - Chapter 14

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Chapter 14-Misty moves into the clubhouse.

After lunch, I told Misty, "Come on, let's go find a couple of the prospects and tell them to get a van ready to go."

"I need to use the bathroom first, please." she said and I led her to one of the ladies rooms downstairs and waited outside the door for her.

"Man, talk about stalker mode. You hanging out outside the ladies room now trying to catch you a woman?" Joker teased. "Or just waiting till no one is around so you can sneak in?"

"Unlike you, Joker, I don't have to sneak around to catch a woman. I've already got mine!" I said, getting fed up with his smart mouth.

Just then we heard Hunter say, "JOKER! My office NOW!"

I felt like sticking my tongue at him but realized that would have been childish.

"Ah, Hunter. I was just joking." Joker said.

"Your smart assed jokes are going to get you killed one day. Ghost could take you out and you'd never see it coming. Get in here now!" Hunter said, standing in a very imposing stance with his legs spread wide and his impressive arms crossed over his chest and a look on his face that said he meant business.

Misty came out of the bathroom and said "Is everything okay? I thought I heard raised voices out here."

"Yeah. Everything is fine. Joker's about to get read the riot act. Part of being patched in as a member means you have to be a grown man. Joker likes to play childish jokes and has the mentality of a 10 year old bully. Come on." I told her.

As promised, Rooster had introduced Misty as my lady and untouchable and I couldn't have been more proud when Misty stood and held my hand in front of a whole room of men as they all yelled their congratulations.

"Way to go, Ghost!" "Score!" "Congrats!" Went around the room and everyone had a big smile on their faces except Joker. We didn't know it at the time but Hunter had threatened to pull Joker's patch if he didn't grow up and stop with the childish joking and pranks. I wasn't the only one that he had made a target of and several of the members had complained and threatened to kick his ass if it didn't stop.

We asked Peter and Calvin, two of the prospects that are going to be patched in as soon as they come of age, to help us get Misty moved out of her house in Bolton. Rooster had called Captain Neilson and made sure it was okay for us to go in and collect Misty and her mother's things and he had given us the go ahead. We spent most of the afternoon packing stuff up but it was amazing how little she wanted to take with her. Furniture and stuff that had seen better days, we piled on the side of the road and the rest Misty had the prospects take and drop off at the thrift store. The rest of the boxes she was bringing back with her contained mostly her clothes, but also some things from her mom's room as well as the flag that had been on her father's casket when they had buried him. He was buried at the Arlington Cemetery in Washington.

Misty found all of the paperwork she needed and had placed them in an old satchel she said her mom used to carry for work. I had expected a lot of tears but she amazed me by how strong she was. She told me where there was an old metal trash can out by the garage and we burned all of Griff's things.

She knew that her mom's job and the landlord's office would be closed today so she just made sure she had the numbers to call them and would deal with it tomorrow. The only time she got kind of weepy was when she found the gift that she had bought for her mom for Christmas.

"I saved for months and months to be able to buy her this. She never had a really nice watch and I wanted to give her something not only pretty but useful." Misty said and I just held her and let her cry but it only lasted a few minutes.

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