Chapter 19

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P.O.V Octavia (January 15th, 2023)

Fucking Ivar, does he think that a wedding can be planned in a couple of fucking days??? That motherfucker, son of a bitch (sorry mom!!! Love you, hate my brother right now)

Flashback on (Engagement party, after Alice said yes)

"Congratulations big brother, finally, a sister!!" I said hugging Ivar then hugging Alice

"Thank you, Tavi" said Ivarsen and Alice could only smile, her eyes switching from my face to my brother's

"So, I wanted to invite you to be my bridesmaid, would you?" Alice asked

"Of course, I would" I said smiling

"Cool, I'll be right back" Alice said, leaving our side and Ivar turned to talk to me

"So, I need a favor" he said

"Sure, what? More ropes?" I said with a mischievous smile on my face and my brother rolled his eyes

"No, I need you to plan the wedding, I'll give you my credit card and I'll call you when the text alerts start scaring me" he said, and I was thrilled

"Great, when?" I ask

"On Alice's Birthday" he says proudly and my chin drops

"Are you on drugs again?" I ask, not believing him

"What the fuck? No, of course not and I smoked weed once" he said like he was offended

"Ivarsen, her birthday is in FOUR days" I yelled the number

"I know, and I believe in you, good luck" he said leaving to talk with Uncle Michael and I couldn't believe the bomb that he just dropped on my lap, that fucker.

Flashback off

So here I am, at Madden's house, laying in his bed while he plays some game, organizing their wedding with illimited budget in four fucking days, first things that I did was get the authorization from Aunt Rika to book the gazebo for them and started to order the food at Alice's restaurant, but said that I would confirm the address they should deliver later (privileges of sister-in-law of the owner) and I had no idea where the reception would be, here is the thing:

                         -not at their house, even though it would be easier, Alice is not that much of a fan of  parties and is always the first one to sleep and Ivar gets grumpy when we make noise while she's sleeping

                          -not at Aunt Rika's, cause of baby Isa

                          -not at the Pithom, obvious motives

So, I call my mom

"Hey mom" I say

"Hey sweet pea, how is the wedding planning?" my mom asks

"Hard, the food is easy, the gazebo is booked but the place to host the reception..."

"Let me guess, you want to do it here?"

"Can I?"

"Sure, darling, I'll talk to your dad, and you can start sending the things here and I'll ask one of your brothers to organize everything at Ivarsen's old room"

"OMG, THANK YOU MOM, LOVE YOU" I said, hanging up and calling the restaurant to give them the address. I sigh in relief and leave my phone by my side, turning to look at my boyfriend

"Fucking piece of shit!" Madden said loudly, I chuckled and got of the bed and stood behind him, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing his head, I could feel him calming down and I stood there, watching him play , he ended up losing at the end, so he takes a deep breath and removes my arms from him, turning his chair towards me and pulling me to his arms, I straddle him and he rests his head on my shoulder.

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