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Author's note: Janet was a planet from a previous WoY episode. She was named 'Planet Janet', appropriately enough. Just look up 'Wander over Yonder Planet Janet' or 'Wander over Yonder The Lonely Planet' in any search engine for more info.

Wander over Yonder Season 3

At first glance, the planet Dominator, Sylvia, and Wander were currently on seemed to be devoid of anything. Most space travelers would have dismissed the planet as just a massive ball of dirt with nothing to offer.

"This planet looks like just a massive ball of dirt with nothing to offer" Dominator, dressed in hiking gear and garb provided by Wander, condemned very shortly after setting off from the ruins of her ship.

"You'll never truly know until you try" Wander responds seated on Sylvia's back who was leading the way.

"Try what?" Dominator asks. "I'm looking and seeing nothing."

"Never judge a book by its cover" Sylvia contributes.

"You two are awfully positive all the time" Dominator said trying to mask her distaste.

"You're a ray of sunshine yourself" Sylvia says similarly displeased.

"All's I'm saying is the planet is looking real empty everywhere I'm looking" Dominator says looking around her.

"And I think this planet will have plenty of surprises in store for us" Wander speculates. "All we gotta do is stay positive and go out there and get them!"

"Let's hope so" Dominator responds while some distance away, Probe Dombots were busy scanning their surroundings.

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"So far, nothin'" Dominator criticizes after several minutes of walking.

"Patience, Dominator" Wander requested. "If you pay close attention, what seemed to be a barren and desolate wasteland might actually surprise and impress you!"

Dominator focused on her surrounding environment only to still find the surface of a dead and empty planet.

"Ha! Still not seeing a thing" Dominator ridicules. "I'd think twice before trying to dominate such a boring ball of dirt."

Sylvia grumbled at Dominator's bluntness as Wander climbed down from her back.

"What do you say we try a different approach?" Wander suggests. "Let's put an ear to the planet herself and have a listen" Wander instructed before demonstrating.

Dominator looked at Sylvia almost in disbelief as Wander pressed his flat ear to the ground.

"Ask him yourself. I don't always agree with him but sometimes he completely surprises me" Sylvia directs at Dominator before joining her friend in placing an ear to the ground.

"Stupid hippy nonsense" Dominator hisses before she too put her ear to the ground to satisfy a nagging curiosity.

Wander smiles at the other two happy to see them joining in.

"...I feel so stupid right now" Dominator said after hearing nothing.

"...I can hear it..." Wander whispered softly. "...This planet lives... This way!" he lets out before rushing off.

"...He's YOUR friend. Not mine" Dominator tells Sylvia.

"You're taking this awfully well, I have to say" Sylvia responds.

"He's a heck of a cook" Dominator excuses.

"Thank you! That's a very nice thing to say!" Wander thanks.

Wander over Yonder Season 3Where stories live. Discover now