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Wander over Yonder Season 3

During a well-earned rest, Wander was stirring snug inside his big and green hat which sat atop Sylvia's saddled back.

"..Goo~ood morning Syl..." Wander directs at his best friend through half-open eyes. "..Be back in a bit. Fetching water..."

Sylvia simply lets out an indistinguishable mumble in her deep sleep.

"...Good morning Whirry..." Wander directs at his Dombot friend.

"Good morning Wander!" Whirry returns floating by Wander simply.

Wander then headed for a nearby river seeking a drink.

"Good morning Whirry..." Wander said again.

"Good morning Wander!" Whirry returns once more.

With cup in hand, Wander lifts up a small portion of water from the river and drinks.

"Pwaaahh~!.. No better thirst-quencher than water, eh Whirry?.." the still half-asleep Wander tells a group of Whirrys standing beside him and watching him curiously. "Or should I say Whirrys?.. Hehehe!..."

Jolted out of his half-asleep stupor by the sight before him, Wander's eyes snap wide open. In front of him stood large crowds of Dombots watching him curiously, behind them Dominator's own ship sat parked quietly.

"Wander!" Beep Boop suddenly spoke up working his way through the crowds.

"B-Beep Boop!?" Wander almost gasps spotting his old Dombot friend heading his way and the two reunite. "Beep Boop! It's so nice to see you again!"

"Wander! It's nice to see you too!" Beep Boop replies.

"Beep Boop! What is going on here?" Wander asks looking over the large gatherings of Dombots. "Why are there so many Dominator bots here all of a sudden!?"

"GAAAAH!" Sylvia is suddenly heard screaming after waking up to find herself surrounded by curious Dombots.

-=episode title=-


-=episode title=-

"You want WHAT!?" Sylvia exclaims while Wander prepared breakfast.

"We want Wander to lead us henceforth" Beep Boop said.

"Wh-why!?" Sylvia asks.

"Because he freed us" Beep Boop said. "We no longer wish to serve Dominator. We wish to serve Wander!"

"..Is this for real?" Sylvia asked aloud looking at the masses of Dombots who were all nodding. "Wander, you got something to say about this?"

"I, I'm very much flattered by the opportunity" Wander says, "but what about Dominator? Where is she?"

"She ejected herself out of her, no, OUR ship as we took over" Beep Boop recalls proudly.

"She's not hurt is she? You didn't hurt her did you?" Wander asked with concern.

"Negative" Beep Boop answers.

"Oh, good!" Wander said relieved.

"Did you want us to?" a Dombot Knight asks drawing his weapons.

"No! No! We will not be hurting anyone!" Wander was quick to object. "A-as your new leader, I hereby declare that we will no longer be hurting anybody!"

"Understood" the Dombot said withdrawing his weapons.

"We did shoot at her" Beep Boop admits, "but she was in her armor so we expect no actual injuries were sustained."

Wander over Yonder Season 3Where stories live. Discover now