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Wander over Yonder Season 3

Hater's Skull Ship was making its way across the cosmos while a monitor in the command room was displaying the villain leaderboards. On it, Hater had hit second place moments ago which had put the ship in a celebratory mood.

"Life is good sometimes, isn't it sir?" Commander Peepers says admiring Hater's ranking.

"Yes it is, Peepers" Hater agrees. "But it could be better: our job's not done until I'm number one."

"Right you are, sir" Peepers replies. "Knocking this newcomer down would be a massive boost for us! Fella by the name of 'Captain Skull and Crossbones'."

"Captain Skull and Crossbones, huh?" Hater parrots before an image of the top ranking villain comes on-screen along with a healthy amount of information.

Captain Skull and Crossbones was a new arrival to the leaderboards and his rise to the top had been as sudden as his premiere. He wore an eye patch, a pirate's hat with skull and crossbones on it, and other pirate's attire. Having the head of a skull with green eyes and body of all bones, some would dare say he was Hater's long lost twin.

Pictured besides Captain Skull and Crossbones was his partner in crime, an eyeball-headed lackey by the name of Pirate Eyerate. Similarly garbed in pirate apparel, he seemed almost the mirror image of Commander Peepers.

Helping to run Captain Skull's pirate space ship, The Big Bone, were Booty Hunters, Watchdog-like pirate henchmen who are always ready to fight and always hunting major booty.

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"That stupid bone head with his beady, green eyes! Who does he think he is!?" Hater demands loudly.

Peepers starts "his name is Captain Skull an-"

"I know his name!" Hater interrupts. "What I wanna know is what right has he to the number one spot!?"

"As much right as any other villain?" Peepers answers shrugging.

"NO!" Hater bellows. "The number one spot is MY place! Not his!"

"Sir, what's got you so riled up?" Peepers questions.

"I-it's just his dumb face and stupid eyes and scrawny bones! I can't stand him!" Hater shouts as some Watchdogs nearby look at him funny. "Set course for this ugly pretender! We're gonna take him dow-"

Hater is cut off by his Skull Ship colliding and he and many others are sent tumbling towards a wall as a result.

"What was that!?" Hater demands.

"We've hit something!" Peepers alerts scrambling up off the floor.

Many more rush to look outside and confirm they had hit a giant pirate spaceship flying a Jolly Roger flag.

"Hey! Why don't you look where you're going!?" Hater shouts.

"WE hit HIM, sir" Peepers corrects.

A giant anchor then explodes out to pierce into the Skull Ship. Several more ropes follow shooting out to latch onto the Skull Ship and large numbers of Booty Hunters slide along these ropes to break in.

"Intruder alert! Intruder alert! Intruder alert!" alarms in the Skull Ship blare.

"Are we being boarded?" Hater questions.

"Lord Hater! We have a breach in sector 7!" a Watchdog at his station alerts.

"Send troops to sector 7!" Peepers orders.

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