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Wander over Yonder Season 3

Aboard Sylver Lightning, Sylvia was flying Ripov, Dominator, Wander, and Deedee above the skies of Lanre, the current home of the docile and chicken-like aliens known as Cluckons. The sights below were not pleasant ones however for the Cluckons were being held in bondage, metal chains fastened to either their necks or ankles. Throngs of them were gathered about what looked to be various construction sites that dotted the lands of Lanre seemingly hard at work as slaves, monocle-wearing Dombots monitoring their forced labor.

"What is this!?" Wander asked with shock.

"And what are Dombots doing here?" Sylvia adds.

"Dominator, does this planet look familiar to you?" Ripov challenges.

"I've been to many planets" Dominator answers.

"You've 'drilled' many planets" Ripov replies, a slight venom to her voice.

"Drilled many. Yes" Dominator accepts reluctantly.

"This planet was among the many that you've drilled" Ripov informs. "After you were done, another villain was not far behind to pick up where you left off. Opportunism at work."

"Is that Robomechabotatron?" Sylvia asks while she flew Sylver Lightning above a giant statue shaped like Robomechabotatron. Affixed to this statue's eye was what looked to be a monocle with chain.

Ripov resumes: "Ladies and gentleman, I'd like you to meet-"

-=episode title=-


-=episode title=-

"Monocle for short."

"But it looks exactly like Robomechabotatron!" Sylvia points out.

"That's because it is" Ripov explains. "Robomechabotatron is being controlled by Mechanical Monocle itself."

"And who is this Mechanical Monocle?" Dominator inquires.

"A machine that wishes to lead all machines" Ripov explains. "And the Dombots below were Dombots you once banished from your ship. Monocle rescues many of these bots and enslaves them to his cause."

"Enslaved Dombots? Unacceptable!" an offended Deedee objects. "Must liberate at once!"

"I'm with you on that one, Deedee" Sylvia says. "And what cause?"

"Subjugation" Ripov answers. "Subjugation of all non-robotic life and the Cluckons here are his first victims."

"This is horrible! We have to do something!" Wander implores watching Cluckons worked to exhaustion.

"You bet we'll free them" Sylvia declares. "Never hurts to help, right buddy?"

"Of course!" Wander agrees happily.

"Easier said than done" Ripov says. "Monocle is powerful and backed up by Dominator's banished Dombots but with Dominator's help, we may have a shot."

All eyes turn towards Dominator.

"Let's find this Monocle" Dominator says confidently before standing purposefully. "I'll deal with him."

"Monocle is no pushover" Ripov warns.

"We'll see about that" Dominator says deploying her armor.

Meanwhile, elsewhere on the planet, shattered ground shook as Mechanical Monocle itself walked surveying a stadium under construction. Besides it on both sides, monocled Dombots accompanied while large groups of enslaved Cluckons, their ankles chained together, were toiling away to construct the stadium.

Wander over Yonder Season 3Where stories live. Discover now