The pole

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Appearing in the workshop, I look around. Elves are busy loading presents into an impossibly large bag. Charlie looks around in awe and clings to my sleeve. Bernard turns to me and ponders a moment.

"We've made your dad a matching suit. He however, will not have the coat. There's only one and it was made from saint Nicolas's robe, so there's no replacement or copy for it." Curtis pops up.

"Like, the saint Nicolas?" I ask.

"Has there been another?" Curtis asks rhetorically.

"We've got to upgrade the sleigh to be more modern for you two. If you need anything, just ask." Bernard nods, walking away. 

"I'm gonna go help them! I know you best, so I'll be the best helper!" Charlie smiles, running after Bernard.

"I'll go help make sure he doesn't cause any trouble for them." Dad says, shoving his hands in his pockets and following after Charlie.

"Guess that just leaves us Ms. Claus!" Curtis beams.

"I like the idea of hanging out with you, but don't call me that, please." I cringe slightly.

"Ok santa!" He smiles.

"How bout you just call me (y/n)?" I suggest.

"Wow! I've never been on a first name basis with a Santa before!" He beams at me.

"Do you ever get a break, second in command?" I joke with him.

"Not usually ma'am." Curtis responds.

"Well, that's gonna change right now. How bout the two of us grab a drink?" I ask, wrapping my arm around his shoulders.

"Right this way ma'am!" He says, leading me to a large kitchen.

Entering the large room, I notice several couches surrounding a fireplace. The largest drink dispenser I've ever seen sits on the counter. One normal sized, plush, chair sits next to the couches.

"Have you ever had coffee?" I ask Curtis, setting my messenger bag onto the counter.

"No, elves primary source of nutrition comes from sugar. We tend to only consume calorie dense foods." Curtis approaches the counter.

"Well, I guess todays your lucky day." I smile and pull a coffee machine and coffee grounds out of my bag.

"Where did you get that bag?" Curtis eyes my bag.

"Bernard left it under my tree last year. I assumed it was like a Santa thing." I shrug.

Curtis stays silent and watches me set up the coffee maker. The coffee only takes a few minutes and I make us both mocha lattes. Handing the cup to Curtis I smile. He reminds me of Charlie in a way. Taking the cup in his hand he takes a cautious sip.

"This is good!" He exclaims.

"Well, maybe I can pull a couple strings to get you a coffee machine. At least in here, if not a personal one." I smile.

"You're too kind Ms. (Y/n)!" He beams at me.

I drink the rest of my coffee and place it in an impossibly large dish washer. Suddenly Charlie comes running in.

"Quentin and I have just got to show you what we've done!" Charlie tugs on my sleeve.

"Well I guess that wraps up our break. Sorry Curtis, maybe we can hang out later." I sigh.

"That's ok ma'am. Thank you for spending your time with me!" He smiles.

"Let's see what you've got in store for me, yeah?" I nod.

Charlie takes one of my hands in his and then grabs Curtis's hand. He practically drags us down the corridor to a small room labeled 'testing lab'.  Opening the door I see my father talking to Judy. Another elf is standing nearby.

"Quinton! Here she is!" Charlie drops Curtis's hand and drags me over to the lone elf.

"Santa! So nice to meet you! You've been quite the talk around the shop!" He sticks his hand out for me to shake it.

"Good things, I hope!" I joke, shaking his hand.

"Of course! Now Charlie has had a lot of great ideas, let me show you them!" Quentin says wheeling out two mannequins.

"Judy, could you give me a hand showing Santa her new suit?" Quentin asks her as she walks over.

"Of course! Fireplaces will no longer be a problem. It's a new fabric. Completely flame retardant." Judy shows off the suits.

"That's amazing, what if we fall of a roof?" I ask worried.

"You're hats are now wired with at two way microphone." Judy smiles.

"Ok." I smile nervously.

Suddenly a loud bell gongs.

"That's the sign it's time for takeoff." Curtis answers an unasked question of mine.

"Well (Y/n), you ready for the night of our lives?" Dad throws his  arm around my shoulder.

"Ready as I'll ever be!" I laugh.

Changing quickly into our suits we walk to the sleigh. Bernard hands me my coat and I slip it on.

Walking over to the sleigh, I notice something by comets hooves. Bending down I pickup what I now see is a card and a colored rope.

"Aww, buddy! Is this in case I fall off the roof? Thank you." I huh his neck.

Dad and Charlie are already in the sleigh. I am the last one to take the drivers seat. I take the reins and nod to Bernard.

"Have a good trip Ms. (Y/n)!" Curtis calls as we rise up.

"Ms. (Y/n)?" Dad asks me.

"I told him to just call me (Y/n), but he won't listen." I shrug.

"Come on boys! Let's get goin!" I call to the reindeer.

They take off and we are soon flying through the sky.

" I gotta show you this." Charlie says, sidling up to me.

"What's that sport?" I ask.

"Radar-jamming jingle bells, snow screen, DC-alert and air freshener." He grins as he points at everything on the dash.

"Wow." Dad gapes.

"And most important of all, your hats." He hands is each our hats.

"Our hats?" Dad asks.

"It's lined with a two-way radio. Microphone's in here. It connects you directly to Judy." Charlie grins.

"Wait a minute. What's this?" Dad points to a button on the dash.

"Oh, that's a C.D." Charlie nods.

"Compact disk, ok." Dad nods.

"No one uses cds anymore, dad. That can't be what it stands for." I give him a look.

"Right! It's a cookie/cocoa dispenser! The cocoa comes out nice and hot!" Charlie explains, pushing the button.

"And... out pops the cookie!" He hands es each a cookie.

"How could I have done this without you, Charlie?" I grin at him.

"You couldn't." He grins back.

Chuckling, I land the reindeer on the nearest roof.

"Come on dad! Got to get this done before sunrise ya know!" I say, stepping out of the sleigh with my bag on my shoulder.

It's time to deliver presents.

Wrapped in love- Bernard x readerWhere stories live. Discover now