Chapter 3 - The (sneaky) Lake Day - part 2

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Still Evan's POV:

We opened 2 beers and sat in the sand next to each other.
"Thanks for bringing me here..." I said really grateful that she had this idea.
"No problem... this is a special spot. No one knows is here."
"Will you come visit me in California?"
"Probably not boy... what am I going to do there?"
"See me!" I said smiling at her.
"Haha alright... my dad has a business partner down there. It's more on the financial side of the Ranch. Just office and papers. He is behind every transaction of cattle and horses."
"Hmm ... do you understand much about it?"
"Not really. My thing is to get my hands dirty. I don't know shit about finances." She kept going... "I wish you good luck ya know?! I hope you can find what you are looking for."
"Thanks for saying that Elizabeth."

Awkward silence.

"Do you wanna go for a swim now?" I broke the silence.
"Sure boy.."
"Let's do it!"

We got up and brought our beers with us. The water wasn't too cold, but cold enough to send me some goosebumps. She was halfway in already when she noticed that I was taking too long.
She came back to where I was and pulled me in with her splashing water all over the place "C'mon boy!! Don't be a pussy!"

I had to laugh and follow her forgetting about the water temperature.

The alcohol was getting me to feel a little "loose" and I felt less tension around her.

"Do you fish?" - she asked.
"I've done here and there but is not my favorite activity to do. What about you?"
"Oh yeah... I like fishing. If you don't move and pay attention to your feet, you can see a bunch of bluegills coming close."
I did it and smiled looking at the fishes slowly coming close. So I got closer to her and stood still right there. I held her hand and she looked at me. Go Evan! Do SOMETHING!

I used the moment to face her and held her other hand. She had a serious look on her face but it wasn't a look of rejection. I guess she was just caught in the moment.

Elizabeth's POV:

The water was almost to my chest, but I was drowning on his dark eyes. I have brown eyes myself, but his eyes looked way darker. I felt like he was starring at my soul with such dark eyes. He held my other hand so I couldn't turn around. I was just standing there facing him. He slowly started to lean forward not breaking eye contact and I just made it easier by leaning towards him too. When our lips touched, we both closed our eyes.
My first kiss! With Evan! The boy who grew up with me!

I stayed still for a few seconds before we finally move closer together when he locked his hands on my waist. I put my hands behind his neck and started to play with his hair between my fingers. He smells like shampoo and sunscreen.
Me moved our lips in sync and he started to move his hands through my back, shifting between my waist and my neck, back to my waist and finally my cheek.
We finally stopped and looked at each other surprised with what had just happened.
He slid his hands from my jawline to my shoulders and then down to my hands to hold them again. I was speechless, but he was smiling brightly flashing his beautiful dimples.
"Evan... I..."
"Shhhhh... don't say anything." He hugged me and whispered "I will miss living only 3 hours away from you. But I'll come back to visit! I promise!"

That silly boy with curly long hair broke down all my walls. I learned that maybe, I didn't need to be fully alone always. To have someone was good. Felt right to be there. There's only one detail: it was not just 'someone'. It was him! Felt right to be with him!

The rest of the day was awesome. We were swimming and drinking, eventually he would grab me and kiss me.

"You know what... I think I never had your phone number." He said grabbing his flip phone from his backpack.
"Boy, you are doing the wrong order of things! You are supposed to get my number first and then the kiss..." I said jokingly.
"Sorry! I couldn't plan all that!" He said smiling. I typed my phone number on his and added as a contact: Elizabeth ❤️
He texted and I saved his: Boy ❤️. He bursted into laughing.

When it started to get dark we headed home my the same backroads. I wasn't drunk, nor was him. We just had 2 beers each, still illegal but I never cared much about rules.
We had dinner with our families and they didn't notice that we were acting cheesy with each other but we didn't kiss or touched when we were with them.

I went for a shower and so did him. Said goodnight and headed to my room.
When I was alone in the dark I opened the windows and stared at the lights down at the barn imagining what Midnight was doing. Probably asleep by now. Then I had that dreadful feeling that I was loosing something. It was him. He was going to leave the Ranch tomorrow and soon, the state.
I wanted to go to his room to spend the night there and sleep by his side. But I didn't. I just got my guitar and started to play with the chords. No music in particular, no singing. Just some sad notes.

The next morning when I woke up, he and his family had already left. I couldn't see their car parked in the driveway. But he left a message
Boy ❤️: we left and I had no time to say 'bye'. I loved the weekend. I'll be waiting till I see u again.

Her heart dropped. Not even a hug? That moment she regretted not going to his room. She would have been there to say bye in the morning.

Alright! Their first kiss! I hope you guys liked their Saturday just like they did! I kept it simple and sweet. Just remember that they are only 15. More things will happen and things will heat up between the 2.
Let me know what you think about the story so far!

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