Chapter 15- A small favor part 2

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Long chapter full of dialog guys.

After work Brian was parked outside of the front door of my office blasting Metallica through the radio.

"JUMP IN!!" He yelled through the window "LETS DELIVER A BACKPACK!"
"That is cringe you know" I said laughing about his good mood.
"What?" Brian asked while I stared at him driving narrowing my eyebrows.
"Nothing! You just look happy!"
"I'm trying to keep a good energy here because I know you will be back home heartbroken from seeing that guy." He was actually smiling at it.
"You are SO positive, Brian."
"REALISTIC!" He corrected lifting his finger and shaking his head.

We talked about our day and some bands that he liked. He has this ability to get my mind out of things until we got to the place. An old house. Big and kinda creepy.
"Cool!" Brian said.
We could see the trucks parked and there was staff everywhere. The place was full and I texted Evan to come out.
After 5 minutes I see a blond figure with a green striped shirt come out with his hands on his pockets and I got out of the car.
He opened the biggest smile and came to hug me. "You saved my life!" He was smelling so good.
"Why?" I was confused after him acting weird that night.
"There's part of my character's clothes in my backpack."
"Oooh... well, I better get it."
I turned my back to get it inside the car in the backseat and when I turned a pair of feminine hands grabbed from me
"I'll take that thanks!"
It was Emma. Emma Roberts. Hollywood famous since she was a child. Niece of Julia Roberts. And her most important title (at least for me): Evan's girlfriend.
She had her eyes on me but a half smile on her face. Evan's smile had disappeared, he was tense.
I waited to hear something because I had nothing to say...
"Elizabeth, this is Emma. Emma this is Elizabeth, my friend." He introduced us.
"Nice to meet you Emma!"
"Nice to meet you too!" She was charismatic, I gotta say. I didn't look in the car but I bet Brian was making a face too...
"Hey!" Evan waved at Brian that corresponded the wave back.
"Who is he?" Evan asked lifting an eyebrow.
"He is my neighbor! He offered to drive me here..."
"Oh I forgot that you still don't have a car here! I'm sorry!" He just realized that it was an effort for me since I don't have my own transportation.
Emma was standing there trying to catch the vibes from Evan.
"It's not a problem..." I confirmed.
Emma wrapped her arms around Evan's waist and suggested: "why don't we go back... I think they will shoot with you soon. Nice to meet you, Elizabeth!" She started to walk back by herself. I waved at her.
Evan swallowed dry. I could feel his tension. He was looking at me, the ground and occasionally at Brian sitting in the driver's seat.
"I cannot thank you enough. Look I want to see you soon. I'll call you, ok?" He said breathing short.
"Alright boy! Go do your thing there!" I gave him a hug and said bye.
He didn't say bye to Brian, just looked at him with a serious face.
Almost a death stare.

Brian drove off.
"You didn't say that your Evan was 'Evan Peters', and that Emma was 'Emma Roberts'." Brian sounded a little shocked.
"Do you care? How do you know them? I thought you didn't care about the world around you." I questioned.
"I don't, but I live in LA, it's impossible not to know about actors... and I am a little starstruck... that's all." He couldn't help himself and asked "so how do you feel?"
"How do you think?" I asked resting my head on the window.
"I'm sorry."
"Brian, thanks for coming with me... it would suck balls not having you here..." I told him.
"I wasn't going to let you alone. I know how it feels..."

We drove to our apartments.


Evan's POV:

That evening I was so focused on my character that I had totally forgotten that I had seen Elizabeth earlier.
But, unfortunately, Emma didn't and she was full of questions in her head.

We walked to my car after we wrapped up for the day so I would drive us to her place.
As soon as I turned the engine on she started.

"So, that was Elizabeth? Your childhood friend?" She asked but she already knew the answer.
"Yep! We grew up together in Missouri."
"Nice! What is she doing here?"
"She is kind of a troublemaker and so her father sent her here for a while."
"When is she going to be back there?"
"I don't know..." I was trying to think about something else to talk about but she was faster.
"Did you go out with her on Saturday?"
"Yes, remember I told you I was going to help her and show her the area?"

I didn't do anything wrong. I told her I was going to take Elizabeth out so she could ease her mind and see the city. Emma is smart and she was just waiting for the right moment to ask. Can you blame her?

"It's funny that you talk so little about her. She was present in your life for a long time..." she was getting there.
"I was a kid... I don't remember much..." I was trying to focus on the road and sound calm.
"Are you sure you are only friends?"
"We are just friends babe..."

I mean... right now we are JUST FRIENDS.

"You never kissed her?" THERE! SHE WAS GOING DOWN THAT ROAD.
"Emma I don't want to talk about the past ok?" I used a sweet voice tone with her so she could feel safe.
"Oh! So you did kiss her! Anything else??! Anything I should be aware of??!" She had her eyes burning on me. I couldn't lie to her.

"What do you want to know?" I asked giving up already knowing where this was going.
"I want to know how far you got with her!"
I took a deep breath and let it out.
"We were crushs. Let's put it like this. Young and innocent. We had our first kiss..." I was trying to stop there but she shook her head as a signal for me to keep going.
"... and we had our first time." I was just waiting to hear her reaction. And I was afraid.
"I DONT KNOW! WHY DOES IT MATTER??" - I raised my voice frustrated.
"It matters!!!!"
"4 times? 5? It happened during the week of Christmas! We were 18 years old Emma... it's been years!"
"I don't give a fuck!! She is here right now being part of your life again!" At this point she was furious.
I understood where she was coming from. I didn't want to hurt her feelings so when we stopped the car I gave her a tight hug and reassured her that I loved her and that she was the only one for me.

The real question was: was she really?

As we walked in the house we spoke about other things. The problem is that that information that now Emma had made her upset and she was keeping it to herself until she couldn't. We were having fights over the smallest thing during the whole week. Every time we had a miss understanding, Emma was bringing up Elizabeth's name and that was making me angry. She just couldn't move on from it.

Siting on Emma's couch after another fight I had a lot in my mind and without thinking straight I texted Elizabeth asking what she was doing.
She replied:
Elizabeth: Nothing, just had dinner and I am watching TV. You?
Boy: I'm stressed. can I come over?

She took 20 minutes to reply and finally she said 'yes'.
Emma was locked in her room so I just said I was going back to my place. She didn't even responded. I got my bag, my car keys and took off to Elizabeth's place. Driving fast praying to not get pulled over.

Hey guys... what do you think about Evan's choice of texting Elizabeth when he is mad at Emma?
Important notice: guys I don't hate on Emma, please don't hate on her either. I was dreading adding her to the story but it just seemed to be more real. Not of these facts are true. This is just fanfic.

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