Chapter 17- Out of control

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Warning: Adult Content!

Me and Evan fell asleep on the couch that night. I found myself cuddling him in the morning. You know what they say... "find what you love and let it kill you slowly." The right thing to do was to cut ties with him once and for all... but I was already on the bottom of the bottom... might as well find some fun.
I woke up and made coffee for both of us. He woke up right after with me making noise in the small kitchen.
His hair was all over the place messed up and his eyes struggling with the morning light on his face. He was still wearing the same clothes that he had last night.
"Damn my back hurts!" He said with a raspy voice.
"Yeah we fell asleep on the couch." I explained.
"Did we finish the movie?"
"I don't remember anything past the middle." I said.
"Yeah me neither... thanks for the coffee!" He said as I handed him his mug.
"I have somewhere to be today... I gotta go home and dress up for the occasion. What are you up to?" He was curious about what I was going to do.
"Nothing important. I need to go to the office and finish up some spreadsheets to declare taxes on the ranch. Then I plan to be home." I said feeling sorry for myself because my life was basically a boring routine without everything that I really cared about.

He quickly finished his coffee and got up folding the blanket that we shared.
"Sooo... that neighbor... Brian?" He asked trying to start something.
"What about him?" I looked at him by the corner of my eyes.
"Is he JUST a neighbor?" He emphasized the 'just'.
"Yes. We hang out sometimes. He understands me." Evan didn't seem to enjoy hearing it.
"What do you mean??" He asked bothered.
"Well... I guess he is as depressed as me."
"That doesn't sound healthy at all." He clearly didn't like him and he only saw him once.
"Since when do you worry about what is healthy for me?" I had to confront him.
He paused for a second furrowing his forehead and answered like if it was obvious.
"Since ALWAYS?!" He kept going "why are you hanging out with a guy that instead of bringing you up drags you down??"
"He doesn't! He just makes me feel like I am not the only one feeling sorry for myself!" I wasn't enjoying to hear Evan talking shit about Brian. The only person that gets me out of my misery when everything feels like shit...
"Why don't you just give me a call when you feel like that??" He questioned me.
"Because sometimes you are the reason!" I SAID IT. And then I realized what I had said before my brain could stop me.
Evan froze. He had his eyes wide open and his chin dropped. He wasn't expecting it. I wasn't expecting it.
Damn it Elizabeth!
"Elizabeth... I... I need to go." He seemed out of it. He was breathing short. I could see that he was uncomfortable. His face blushed. "I need to be at this event. I'll see you soon." Without making eye contact, he put the mug on the kitchen counter and ran out of the door getting his car keys from the key holder not even caring that his hair was frizzy and full of nods.

Why the fuck would I say that?! What was I thinking?!

Before I started to judge myself and drown in it, I hopped in the shower and on my way to the office I called my friends back in Missouri on a group call.
They just laughed and offered some support  so I could feel better about myself. Raven explained that sooner or later Evan was going to notice anyways.
The thing is... I always kept control and for some reason now I am feeling more ... soft? After everything that I've been through, I should turn more into a rock but what was happening was quite the opposite. I was always so tough and now I am melting like ice cream under the sun. I knew why... Evan was the sun. And he had been shining so close since we live in the same city that I couldn't do anything about it.


For a Friday, work and paperwork was pretty busy. I saw myself surrounded of papers and more papers and phone rings.
My dad called to talk about some of the finances involved with the ranch and I was proud for at least get a hold of it. I was a fast learner.

When I got done, I just put all the files where they belonged and left the office. It was a little chilly then earlier so I wrapped myself on my jacket and went home fast like a bullet.

At home instead of having a proper dinner I opened some cheese and started to drink by myself. Brian had texted saying that he was at his girl crush apartment and I was feeling happy for him. Maybe he will score tonight.
As the memories of last night and early morning came through my head I poured more and more alcohol down my throat. It was burning and making me feel numb.

11:35pm on the clock. A knock on my door.
Damn, I forced myself to get up and dragged myself to the door...

I opened the door to see Evan with his suit hanging from his shoulder, the dress up shirt was unbuttoned all the way to the lower part of his chest exposing a good part of it and his tie was loose and hanging sideways.
He walked in taking me in his arms and planting his lips on mine. He walked in the apartment pulling me and kissing me more turning into a deep kiss with his tongue wrapped on mine. I could feel the pressure of his chest against me as he tighten more and more his arms around me. He kicked the door behind him making me snap out of my unexpected surprise.
I was drunk and had no strength to fight against the need of letting him do what he wanted.
He took off his shirt and tie, picked me up and carried me to my room. I laid on the bed reaching out for him as he laid on top running his hands through my bare legs. All I had on was a green t-shirt with a horse stamped on it and my underwear.
I Proceeded to undo his belt and unzipped his pants while he roughly kissed my neck bringing me to explode inside. Still no words between us, just letting our bodies speak.
He took off my shirt in a quick movement and pulled me by my legs wrapping them around his waist as he ran his hands around by breasts.
His touch was hot and I could taste alcohol in his mouth. I knew he had drank something but I didn't know what had happened after. He took off my underwear and his black boxers feeling that I was wet enough so he could slide himself in.
He let out a moan as he felt that he was all the way in and I took a deep breath.
He started to move slowly and we finally could make eye contact. Laying there with him on top feeling vulnerable had my head go blank. I had no thoughts, no worries, no fear. It was just us sharing that moment craving each other.
As He thrusted harder I moaned louder making him growl in satisfaction. I felt my lower abs contract in a ball of pleasure trying to stop it so we could last longer doing what we have been keeping to ourselves but I guess we were already holding it in for too long. We couldn't hold anymore and I let myself break into nothing as he tilted his head back releasing himself into me not wasting a single drop.

I was finally feeling relaxed. More relaxed that I had even been in so long. He was still inside of me not wanting to break the connection that we had, sweating with his head above my shoulder.
Out of breath he finally let out his first words.
"This is what I've been waiting for."
"Sex?" I asked also out of breath.
"No. Sex is easy. Anyone can do it. But not this connection, this energy. You are the only one." After that he slid himself out and headed to the bathroom turning on my shower.
"Elizabeth??" He called.
I got up and peaked through my bathroom door answering
"Come join me." He asked walking in the hot shower.
As I walked in to be with him in there he hugged me and we stood there with the water falling over our heads.
"I have many questions." I said.
"I'll answer 100% of them." He confirmed.
"I'll ask them tomorrow. I'm a little dizzy."
He laughed at my drunk patience and gave me a sweet kiss on top of my head. I had handed all the control over to him at this point.

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