Chapter 3

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She executed her plans very well, every day Temari poses in front of her mirror perfecting her seductive angles. Though, some nights she's having a hard time reaching out to him. He came home drunk most of the week, then she remembered his eyes the last time they fought. The same eyes her past lover had, full of hate and bitterness. Suddenly, her ex-lover's face occupies her mind. Those gentle smiles, every feature on his face she remembered. It gave her comfort in her rude and cruel world. It changed when she said she'll be wed to an old Lord. His smile becomes bitter and his eyes, his eyes were the same as what she saw from Shikamaru.

She joined the two Tori in the garden. Every 3 pm of the day, Tayuya and Shiho usually start their tea break. The servant placed a china tea cup filled with expensive tea and a dango on the side.

"Last night, he came home drunk" She initiated the topic.

"He always does that" Shiho said

"You're lucky if he didn't ask you to bed with him when he came home drunk, he smells tobacco too most of the times" Tayuya said while lifting the tea cup with grace.

"Is he being like that? Even before?"

"Hmm, yeah. Since he bought me" two years ago, Shikamaru bought Tayuya as his first Tori then bought Shiho after a year.

"Is that so? There must be something bothering his mind"

"I heard a rumor" Shiho whispered "His past lover was sold to a Lord and wed her, if I remember it correctly, her name is Maki"

"Past lover?" Temari ask, that's why he's so bitter huh?

"Yeah, Maki is his first lover. She was sold to a young Lord when they were 18 and he found out that she falls in love with the Lord. She left him" Tayuya said in low voice, she's careful that the servants might be heard them gossiping about their Lord's past love.

"Wait, is she a Tori? You said sold to a Lord?" Temari became more interested in their conversation.

"Yes. Well, a Lord can acquire as many Toris as they like but it's their choice if they're going to marry one or remain a life with multiple Tori" Tayuya looked at Temari with her narrow eyes "You're lucky if a Lord will wed you, you know. Maki is lucky"

"Wait what will happen to the other Tori if the Lord will wed one?"

"The other Toris will be resold to the other Lords" Shiho said lowly, her voice was shaking.

"Well, in my opinion, I don't think Lord Nara has any plan on settling down with one. He's too broken to do that and besides, he always sees us as properties" Tayuya said with her arms crossed in her chest.

"I heard he will acquire another one next year, I overheard him while talking to Lord Hyuga one morning" Shiho said.

"If one will wed a Lord, that means all his properties will also be yours, right?"

"Ofcourse silly, that's why you're a lucky Tori if a Lord will wed you" Tayuya said.

Her mind began connecting some dots "That's interesting"

Rule of seduction: Send mixed signals

Send a mixed signal: both tough and tender, both spiritual and earthly, both innocent and cunning. A mix of qualities suggests depth, which fascinates even as it confuses.

She sends him multiple soft signals of seduction for a week. Walking to the garden every night and conversing with him with malice and flirting, damping wet cloth whenever he came home drunk and making sure she runs her delicate touch to his skin, glaring and grinning at him during breakfast, and a lot more.

She noticed that he engaged with every move she makes so she plans on giving him cold shoulders the following week. She did not wander the garden, she did not approach him when he came home drunk, she remained stiff and did not look at him during breakfast, and so on. On the third night, she peeks out her window and saw him standing in the garden at 3 am morning with tobacco in his hand. The Lazy Lord cannot sleep huh? Somethings bothering?

The next morning, his irritation becomes more visible. He ditched their breakfast and supper and command all servants to send the meal to his room instead.

On the fifth morning, he attends the council with all the Lords. He's responsible for all the intel in the city. In the council room, the five Lords were sitting on a large circle table.

"You look like shit" Lord Neji calmly said

Shikamaru looked at him with dark bags under his eyes "Thanks for noticing"

"Are you okay Shikamaru?" A blonde Lord with whiskers asked

"Yeah-I'm alright Naruto"

"You looked like you haven't slept in years" Lord Sasuke said

"I only got 2 hours of sleep" He placed his hands on his head "And it's giving me a headache"

"Hold on! Don't tell me that blonde lady did that to you. Temari right? I knew she's good at bed!" Kiba teased him while his one arm wrapped around his shoulder.

"Get off Kiba! and no I didn't touch her" He pushed his arms away.

"What? You bought her 2 weeks ago and you still didn't bed her?" Kiba was surprised "That's so not you Nara, if you want, I'll trade her with one of my Tori"


"Hey, who's this lady you're talking about?" Naruto asked

"Man, she has the body of a goddess! I regret I let Shikamaru pick first cause I'm definitely gonna buy her in a heartbeat that day" Kiba said

Shikamaru exhales loudly, his headache becomes more severe.

"Is this the blonde girl I saw from your mansion?" Neji asked and looked at Shikamaru "Her face seems familiar; my memory failed me to recognize her"

"Man, now I'm interested in seeing her" Naruto grins and giggles

"I told you! A goddess! Even Neji seems captured by her looks" Kiba jokingly said

"Stop talking about Temari! She's my Tori. She's mine!"

"You didn't touch her? Is that even possible? You're her Lord Shikamaru" Sasuke reprimand him

"For inexplicable reasons, I cannot control her"

"Such a waste of money if you cannot do what you want with her. If I were you, I'll show her who her Lord is and who rules the goddam mansion" Kiba said "Atleast you still have 2 others to bed with"

"You can still wait for her Shikamaru, I'm glad you're starting to give respect to your Toris" Neji said

"Yeah, wait for her. You still have other two Toris to bed with, what's their name again?" Naruto asked

"I—I don't know" Shikamaru stuttered

Kiba laughed "Man, you're definitely giving some special treatment to Temari"

Rules of Seduction - A Shikatema AUWhere stories live. Discover now