November 1558
Bordeaux, France"She really is a sight isn't she, Your Majesty?" Colette said in wonder.
While she was already sitting next to a great queen, before her was a young beautiful girl who became queen only days after birth. This girl who had the same royal blood flowing through her veins that Colette had. She knew she would have much to write to her mother of her first day at court. Meeting two queens and one her own aunt at that.
"She is a spirited child. Must be the Scots blood in her. Tell me Lady Colette Leroux. Is the scots blood in you as spirited?", Queen Catherine asked suddenly.
"If I was to be honest with you, Your Majesty, I would have to say I am only a little spirited when compared to my sister Marie Antoinette. I doubt even someone as strong as your Highness could control her, though I know you would not give up on her. I know that the Queen of Scots will learn much from you, Highness"
After her speech the Queen had to lean back in her chair. By God, I do believe I will enjoy spending my time with this girl. She has actually managed to charm even me with her wit.
"Very well put lady, but I do wonder if you are trying to tempt me into introducing you to your aunt so you can see for yourself the trouble she causes me", the queen said finally and motioned for one of her ladies to attend her, "Please ask the Queen of Scots if she would attend me and my young companion. Her stunning personality would please me greatly", the girl curtsied low with wide eyes and went in search of the younger queen.
Mary, Queen of Scotland since almost birth, was laughing at bawdy jokes the ducs and counts surrounding her were whispering in her ear. Many would have enjoyed the company of dancing with her but Mary knew how to play her cards and she demanded that she would dance with none of then either King Henri or her husband Dauphin Francis. She was still dazed at the glamour of the french court and knew that when she returned to Scotland she would make her court just as stylish.
She was busy talking about bawdy women with the English ambassador when a young lady, most likely from the queens service, interrupted them.
The girl, practically stuttering with amazment at Mary's beauty and grace, almost forgot to curtsy to the queen. "Y-your M-majesty, Queen Catherine is asking you attend her and her compainion. S-she wishes your charming personality at her side.
Of course the old bag would drag me from my fun. Probably to introduce to me yet another doctor to help get a french and scottish heir now that Francis and I have been married for almost a year now. The woman cannot see how weak of a child she has given France.
"It would be a pleasure to take refuge from this witless lot", Mary said jokingly with cause the men around her to start laughing merrily.
As Mary made her way to her mother-in-law she noticed that the compainion was no doctor but a girl. The girl was a little younger than herself but looked similar to her grandmother. Mary could tell she was related to this girl somehow but didnt know why Catherine would favorite someone with stewert blood.
Coming infront of the two woman, Mary swept into a graceful bow that she knew Catherine wouldn't return but the girl stood up and curtsied to her low with a girlish smile on her face. Obviously still innocent in everything.
"You called upon me, dear mother", Mary said with a sickly sweet smile on her face. She knew the old dragon hated that Mary called her mother.
"Yes", the queen saif indifferently to the smug tart, "I thought to introduce you to Marie Colette Claude Leroux, Daughter of the Duc de Alencon, your brother-in-law"

Historical FictionThe Duc de Alencon and his wife were no strangers to the way of the world. While he was in direct descent to French royalty his wife was just as royal as he. They came together in the hopes and promises given by Kings who had no time for the small f...