
431 14 1

20 November 1545

My Dearest Mother,

It has seemed as though it has been years since I even saw your face and I suppose it has been, hasn't it. I know that father is still treating you in good company, though I have heard of him moving on but he will keep you in good graces.

Oh how I wish you would visit me and Henri. He has given me no peace after the birth of our first child, fretting over me as he is. She is such a beautiful girl with blonde hair already sprouting for her head but it is her dear blue eyes that are so much like yours that reminds me of you. Though she is not the son Henri hoped for I am still young and hope to give him his heir. I know it would ensure my position here.

But I can't help feeling son pride in the daughter I have produced. She isn't fussy and eats plenty at my breast. I almost believe that is why we have daughters for important husbands wouldn't let us hold their sons and let them suckle at our breast. They would be given to a wetnurse but they care not how the daughters are nursed. Being the person to give my daughter strength is what helps me when I think of having my sons torn out of my hands and into some strangers. I know your presence would give me strength as I know my next child will be Henri's heir. With my stepfather gone you can finally see me and your granddaughter. I would not want to have to send to father with my simple request of you.

Your loving daughter,

Anne Elizabeth Stewart Leroux, Duchesse de Alencon


Mary Catherine sat up in her bed reading her daughters' latest letter. Mary often wondered how her child had grown. Was she a great beauty or only passable? Did she even remember what Mary looked like? Was she living a happy life with this new husband of hers? All these unanswered questions that had started to build up since her husband had sent her daughter away.

He had been jealous of the baby she carried and the reminder it gave him that his wife had been one of the many mistresses to King James. He said that the innocent child revolted him and since he was legally her father he could do as he wished to her. He had the week old baby packed up and sent to covent. He hadn't told Mary where he had sent her little girl but that she had best get to making his heirs since she was a proven breeder.

After the death of her husband, Mary made an appearance at the court of her first and last beloved, Jamie. Her sweet Jamie. He had been pleased to see her and they shared their passion like never before and then she told him of what had happened to his daughter. Jamie swore that if he could raise the dead he would raise any and all who dared to send a child of his away. He found his daughter at a covent in England and secreted her away before it became known what treasure King Henry had. Jamie them acknowledged her and when he would come to visit Mary he would act a dutiful father.

Until he too broke Mary's heart by sending her child to France into the arms of a man grown. A man no one knew, who could be just as cruel as her husband had been.

The memories were so crisp as she reread her daughters letter. She had a daughter who had Mary's eyes. The older woman smiled as she envisioned what her beautiful grandchild looked like. What would be her temperament? But more importantly, what did these Kings have in store for her? Would she share the same fate as her mother and grandmother?

Mary rang for one of her maid to attend her, "Oh, Ma'am....You haven't even dressed. The Queen has sent one of her ladies to bring you to her chambers", the maid said moving about the room to open curtains and take out a dress for her Mistress.

"I wonder what the woman wants with me. Maybe to kill me for being a harlot?"

"Ma'am, she would never, I'm sure. The way I see it is you were just doing what your king told you to do. Now out of that bed and into this dress. Then I'll do your hair. Since you are expecting your doom lets have you look as if it was your last day", the maid said, uncovering Mary.

Mary stretched and swung her legs down to the floor to stand up, but her legs weren't the same as they used to be. "Rosily? My daughter has had a child. I...I fear for her and so wish to send her something of mine that may give her hope to go on-"

"And you don't know what to pick? Alright, coloring?"

"Blonde like you but with my eyes, and fair skin"

Rosily walked to her Mistresses bureau and pulled out a Signet Ring. It was decorated in rubies and emeralds but held the crest of the Stewart line. "This will work and remind her that if her mother had been born on the other side of the blanket she would be a princess and it will remind her that she probably has more royal blood in her whole body then many at this french court"

Mary took the ring in her hand and set it on her desk. After she had been dressed in a gown of emerald and gold trimming she sat down to write a letter to her granddaughter. She told her daughter in a seperate letter to her that the girl wasn't to open it until she was in grave need of help. Anne would know when that time was.

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