Chapter Three: Left Alone... Time For Some Fun

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Warnings: guns, minor death and attempted robbery

Ryleigh woke up, quietly and slowly got out of the bed, letting Kevin sleep a bit longer

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Ryleigh woke up, quietly and slowly got out of the bed, letting Kevin sleep a bit longer. She left the attic slowly and went downstairs and closed the attic door. "Hello?" She called out and nobody called.

Ryleigh went to each room and saw nobody in their rooms, she checked Buzz's room and he and Rod who was sleeping in his room and they both weren't in the room. Ryleigh smirked that she and Kevin were the only ones home.

With a big smile on Ryleigh's face, she went downstairs to the kitchen and pulled out two pieces of bread and some eggs to make for her and Kevin.
She heard Kevin calling for their family. "Mom? Dad?... Mom? Dad? Where are you guys? Kevin: Buzz? Buzz? Buzz? Megan? Hello? Rod? Uncle Frank? Uncle Frank, is this a joke? Megan? Linnie?" She heard him outside then back inside. She saw him enter the kitchen and sat down as the toast popped up and Ryleigh grabbed two plates for both of them. "Morning, Kevin."

"Good morning, Ryleigh. Did you know that our family is missing?" Kevin asked.

"Kev, they're not missing. They left us behind." Ryleigh said.

"Then how are the cars here?" Kevin asked.

"The airport vans picked them up and took them to the airport." Ryleigh said.

"So, you mean that our family left us behind, leaving us alone." Kevin says trying to fathom what his sister told him.

"Yeah." Ryleigh nods.

"I made my family disappear." Kevin gasped in shock then thought in his head and remembered that taunts from his family about him.

Megan: Kevin, you're completely helpless.

Linnie: You know, Kevin, you're what the French call, "les incompetents."

Buzz: Kevin, I'm going to feed you to my tarantula.

Jeff: Kevin, you are such a disease.

Kate: There are 16 people in this house, and you're the only one who has to make trouble.

Frank: Look what you did, you little jerk!

Kevin looked up and smiled at Ryleigh who now had the eggs done and put the plate in front of him and got him and herself a glass of orange juice and half a glass of milk for Kevin. "I made my family disappear." Kevin smiled and Ryleigh smile at him.

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