Chapter 1

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Damon's POV

Bonnie died today. She lived a full 78 years.I know I should be happy, but I'm also sad.

Bonnie and I got to know each-other better over the past 60 years. She helped me hold on when I needed Elena.

Elena. She should wake up soon. Bonnie died which means Elena will come back.

Caroline has already started planning the funeral. She has decided to grieve while she plans, can't let a body desiccate while you wait right? Right.

I will admit that I have shed a few years about her. But she got to live a long, somewhat happy life after that day.

She got to grow old and have kids with her husband. Her kids have started a new life with their own families already.


Stefan appears from the door. I have been in my room, thinking about Bonnie and Elena for what seems like centuries when really, it has only been minutes.


"Are you ok?" Really? Is he trying to be a dick or something?

"Yes and no. Can you go away now."

"Not until you give me a full answer."

"Ok fine. I'm happy that I finally get to see Elena after these long yet short 60 years. I'm sad that Bon-Bon is dead. She helped me through it the most." I reply while looking at the ceiling. I really don't feel like looking into Stefan's sorrowful grief struck eyes.

"Well, I guess I'll get out of your hair. Tell me when you are going to get Elena. Please don't be a dick about it either." Stefan says. He loved her as much as I do.

"Alright, fine. Get back to your girl Caroline before she really breaks down." that's right, Stefan and Caroline are together.

They were really meant to be, Stefan never wanting to control things, and Caroline being a control freak.

I start to listen to the conversation they are having. There's nothing better I can do.

"Hard to handle. Stefan please help me! Bonnie is dead, she was my best friend! I am happy and sad, the fact the Bonnie is dead and Elena is alive is too overwhelming! Please just help me!" Caroline says through cries.

I feel like it's time that I get Elena. It just seems right. Caroline will have her best friend back after one died, and I will have my only love back.

I get up and go downstairs.

"You guys coming to Elena's resurrection?" I ask Stefan and caroline.

"Yes!" Caroline replies right away.

"Yah, we will meet you there." Stefan replies.

I go to my car and roll down the roof. its spring now, and I know Elena will need some fresh air.

I saved the other half of the cure, its in a new container. I didn't want to loose my last hope of growing old with Elena and starting a life with her.

No one has found out that we have the cures, which makes everything safe. For now at least.

I make my way to the family tomb, arriving ten minutes later.

I park the car right in front of it. I can finally see my Elena again.

I walk in and wait for Stefan and Caroline to arrive. it only takes a few minutes though.

"You ready." I ask the two of them. They both nod and Caroline grabs Stefan's hand.

I turn to the coffin that Elena is in. Polished oak, worn down from years of sitting,

I dust it off and get to the opening. I slide my fingers under it and slowly pull up.

Once it's opened all the way, I find Elena, still in her blue dress. Her eyes closed. She looks exactly how she did 60 years ago when we put her in here.


I take her hand and slightly squeeze it.

"Elena, its me. Damon. Bonnie died, and you can come back. Please a sign that you can here me." I say in almost a whisper, as if I were trying not to startle her.

I look at her face, still young. That's when I see it.

Her eyes open.


Hey guys. Thank you for reading my fanfic! I literally, just finished the last episode like 2 hours ago and felt that I should start this.

I came up with this idea, I have not seen any other like this. especially since season 6 ended just 2 hours ago. so please if you use this idea, give me credit.

Love you vampires!

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