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The first day at blue lock had almost come to an end and you were in need of some food so as usual, you headed to the cafeteria to grab a bite.

When the doors opened for you to enter, you came across a team who were in the midst of eating.

Team Z.

Bachira was the first to notice you and he brightened up, sending you a wave.

"[L/N]-san!" He called in a happy manner.

You turned to the group who were seated by one table and smiled in their direction. You decided to grab your dinner by using your ID Badge and as soon as you pressed it, three plates of steak came out, piping hot and ready to eat.

You picked up your tray and headed over to the table, the boys looking at your food in shock for two reasons.

One, you were given steak and two, you were given not one, but three which they assumed you were planning to eat on your own but their assumptions withered away as soon as you picked up two of the plates and placed them in front of them all.

"A little gift to congratulate you all passing."

You sat back down and grabbed your fork to eat your own steak, your attention glueing itself to your phone as you scrolled through twitter while the boys stared at the steak, a majority drooling as the smell made them crave for the taste of it.

Kunigami was the first to take a bite and his face told the others how it was.

"It's delicious!"

They dug in, making a ruckus over the steak while an amused smile painted your lips as you noticed them from the corner of your eye.

You received a notification then, indicating one of your machines had a problem and you were up immediately, earning the attention of the others.

"Are you going already?" Bachira asked and you nodded as you flashed the screen of your phone to them.

"One of the machines is experiencing a problem so I've got to fix it." You pointed at the red dot that was blinking and Isagi couldn't help but feel impressed by the technology you used to help you function the facility.

As you were getting ready to leave, Raichi built up enough confidence to finally speak up to you.

"T-Thanks for the food!"

He stiffened up as your eyes made contact with his but what took him out was the finger you placed on your lips as you winked at him.

"Ego won't be happy with what I did today so, keep this a secret between us."

You had stepped out of the room with the door closing behind you while Raichi had fallen back from your charming attack, his face turning many shades of red.

"Oh crap, Raichi's down!!"


When you had gotten a notification about one of your machines breaking down, you knew it wasn't an issue until you noticed the exact location of it.

'Who in their right mind thought it would be okay to enter the advanced training room without my permission.'

The doors parted and you immediately caught sight of the culprit who was currently held down by a pair of mechanic hands belonging to one of the training machines.

"Mind telling me what you were doing in here..."

You used the camera of your phone to scan his face before his name was revealed to you.

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